I think the Temptation with the Half orc Monk will be to Min/Max them.
I feel we will be able to take advantage of Half-Orc without min/maxing though. CHR and INT are not important for monks. starting with just an 18 STR is easy on the Half orc and addition Racial STR enhancements still provide a decent increase in DPS without sacrificing Wisdom for Stunning Fist and ToD DC's.
THis is a TR of my current Monk/Ranger hybrid (Which Mod 7 will render much less effective). For 32pt, drop Wis to 15.
Level 20 Lawful Neutral Half Orc Male
(20 Monk)
Hit Points:
20 HD
10 Draconic
160 L20 Monk
120 Con Bonus
22 Toughness
20 Toughnes Enh
20 Minos
30 GLF
402 Hit Points
500+ with Greensteel and buffs
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 15/15/20/2525
Saving Throws:
12/12/12 Base Saves
6/7/10 Attributes
5/5/5 Resistance item
1/1/1 Resist ritual
4/4/4 GH
2/2/2 Luck
{44}Strength 18 +2 Tome +2 H/O +5 Levels +6 Item +4 Stance +3 Exceptional +2 Rage +2 Yugo Pot
{23}Dexterity 15 +2 Tome +6 Item
{22}Constitution 14 +2 Tome +6 Item
{14}Intelligence 6 +2 Tome +6 item as needed
{30}Wisdom 16 +2 Tome +3 Monk +6 item +3 Exceptional +2 Yugo Pot -2 Stance
{08}Charisma 6 +2 Tome
Stunning Blow DC: 10Base +17STR +10Stunning = 37
Stunning FIst DC: 10 + 10(1/2level) +10Wis +10(stunning) =40
ToD DC: 10 + 20Monk Level +10Wis Mod = 40
Level 1 (Monk)
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Monk
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting
Level 2 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Stunning Fist
Level 3 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Past Life: Disciple of the Fist
Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness
Level 4 (Monk)
Level 5 (Monk)
Level 6 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Dodge
Feat: (Selected) Stunning Blow
Level 7 (Monk)
Level 8 (Monk)
Level 9 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Level 10 (Monk)
Level 11 (Monk)
Level 12 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 13 (Monk)
Level 14 (Monk)
Level 15 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 16 (Monk)
Level 17 (Monk)
Level 18 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Level 19 (Monk)
Level 20 (Monk)
Enhancement: Monk Serenity
Enhancement: Static Charge
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise II
Enhancement: Way of the Patiennt Tortoise III
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise IV
Enhancement: Monk Ninja Spy I
Enhancement: Monk Ninja Spy II
Enhancement: Touch of Death
Enhancement: Porous Soul
Enhancement: All-Consuming Flame
Enhancement: Void Strike I
Enhancement: Winter's Touch
Enhancement: Adept of Wind
Enhancement: Grandmaster of Storms
Enhancement: Master of Thunder
Enhancement: Adept of Flame
Enhancement: Grandmaster of the Sun
Enhancement: Master of Bonfires
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Monk Jump I
Enhancement: Monk Jump II
Enhancement: Monk Tumble I
Enhancement: Monk Tumble II
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom I
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom II
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom III
Enhancement: Half-Orc STR I
Enhancement: Half Orc STR II
Enhancement: Half-Orc Power Attack I