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  1. #41
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    This was fun...we should do it again sometime Thanks all

    PS I wasn't complaining about getting neg rep - I couldn't care less. No, my complaint was rather about people doing it but not owning it. Grab your macadamias and stand up for your decisions imo.

  2. #42
    Community Member The10man's Avatar
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    Default +1 rep

    Exactly nailed wizzly.

    The best lag-blame was the run I was in the other day with my latest "friend list" joiner. Level 18 Cleric w/o quicken with a con of 12 (with items) whose heals were "laggin bad man". Him: Ding Me: raise, Him: ding Me: raise, Him: ding Party: Aren't you gonna raise our healer Mr. Bard? Me: Nope. Thought this was a Zerg run per LFM guys sorry don't have this much time I'm out.
    Dungeon Alert and difficulty scaling killing LFMs since 9-1-2009.

  3. #43
    Founder Maelphyn_Maurpeg's Avatar
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    Oh, Wizzly! I am so butt-hurt that you made this topic!

    Kidding. +1, you expletiving elitist.
    Maelphyn - mechanic/pale master, firewalls, repeaters & pets
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  4. #44
    Community Member stoolcannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasczak View Post
    Not really true at all. A lot of Vet's have been through quests hundreds of times, work would be taking new players through it again and again everytime you do it. That leads back to reading the lfm.

    You have the right attitude except for one thing, Vet's give a walkthru based on the fact that a lot of new players expect it. If you don't want it, then set up an lfm for new players and no spoilers.

    As for getting upset, you either a casual player or haven't spent ages doing the same thing. See it's not anger, it's massive amounts of frustration. A lot of us have RL responsibilities and don't want to sit around waiting for a new player to experience the dungeon. That is why the lfm's state it's a zerg and whatnot. I don't personally scream and shout but I will get annoyed if a player hasn't said they are new and then dies in silly ways or doesn't listen.

    It's got nothing to do with taking the game to seriously, it's got to do with wasting our precious time. If I want a challenge I'll go into a quest that is challenging and expect to spend time there. If I'm after speed runs for loot and xp then I will be taking note of players who have not mentioned they are new (nothing wrong with being new) or waste my time.

    Your fun right now may be experiencing the game, but understand the other people's fun is TR'ing, looting and works both ways
    I fully understand your points as I also have limited time. I've married, an exec and have a daughter so my gaming time can be somewhat limited. Thanks to a recent relo across the country with my family still in another state I've had nothing but time lately but that's beside the point.

    I suppose my main point is a philosophical one in that if you don't enjoy the quests enough to repeat them if something goes wrong then why play? I know we all have to do some quests that suck to get to a certain area we are looking for (I'm looking at you, ADQ) but if your entire focus is just the grind of leveling characters it seems like you're missing something and/or may need to look for a new game that has more to offer you at this stage.

    A good example of someone taking it too seriously was the other day when I was running an Orchard quest. We were short-manning it so I brought a hireling cleric to further bolster my zerging ability. A person whom I run with regularly got furious when the hireling died and cost 10% XP. I personally find that ridiculous. TR or not you're going to get XP if you simply run the next quest and the levels are going to come. If you're hating the grind so bad that that much XP is going to wreck your day you need to reevaluate why you're playing (Again, just my opinion).

    I know I am fairly new to DDO but I played GuildWars for 5 straight years and have perspective on the topic. I played many quests in that game 100's of times and yet I still didn't get frustrated or angry if someone new made a mistake or did something wrong. We are all new at some point.

    I also agree with your point on spoilers and creating my own group, hence my running everything up through vale with just 1 friend and 2 hirelings. We've had more fun doing that in the past 2 weeks than I probably had in my first 4 months being told how to do everything. I've also learned the quests finally instead of just chasing the person in front of me trying to keep up.

    All that said, 99% of the people in this game are very cool and will take you into a group whether you're new to a quest or not and are always willing to help. I've enjoyed the DDO community thousands of percent more than any other game I've ever played.

  5. #45
    Community Member The10man's Avatar
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    Default @stoolcannon

    I think you missed what I read. I like running with new people and helping them and often do as guildmates and others will tell you. HOWEVER, there are times when I am trying to get something done as quickly as possible (maybe I have somewhere to be in an hour but want to run a shroud for example). I ran two shrouds the other day both were good groups one took 67 minutes the other took 22. See the difference? When in a hurry I post LFMs like know the way, BYOH, IP, etc to let people know get in fast we are moving or don't join. If there are no notes I am waiting for a full party and don't mind newer people (not noobs but that is a different topic as a noob can have been playing for years) tag along and I do enjoy the quests.

    I read OP to mean don't join groups with such disclaimers then expect a different group than advertised. Ie. Don't go to a strip club and get mad at the dancers for dancin.
    Dungeon Alert and difficulty scaling killing LFMs since 9-1-2009.

  6. #46
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The10man View Post
    I read OP to mean don't join groups with such disclaimers then expect a different group than advertised. Ie. Don't go to a strip club and get mad at the dancers for dancin.

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly_Bear View Post
    Dear Thelanis,

    -Please stop joining lfms that say "zerg" and then stopping at every collectable and p!$$-ant chest.


    - If you don't know the quest - don't do $hit unless you are instructed to do so. Many quests can be ruined by doing something that logically seems very unimportant.

    And finally...grow thicker skin and some metaphorical balls.
    I still can't give you + rep


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  8. #48
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jules921 View Post
    I still can't give you + rep

    Be not stingy with thine love, and thou shalt receive it all the more

    +1 for you just cuz you're Jules


  9. #49
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly_Bear View Post
    Dear Thelanis,

    -Please stop joining lfms that say "zerg" and then stopping at every collectable and p!$$-ant chest.

    -Please stop joining lfms that say "in progress" and/or "know your way" and then asking if we're in the quest.

    -Please stop joining lfms that say "in progress" and/or "know your way" and then asking for help in getting to the quest.

    -Please stop joining lfms while anonymous.

    -Please stop joining lfms that say "byoh ("bring your own healing" by the way) and not having any pots/scrolls.

    -Please stop getting butt-hurt when you get kicked from groups because you didn't match up to the lfm and decided to join anyway.

    Some tips...

    -When perusing the lfms you can hover over the quest listed and see the difficulty that is being run.

    -When perusing the lfms you can hover over the first box on the left and see who is where (ie: has the quest started yet)

    -When perusing the lfms pay attention to the notes the party leader added. They had to actually type them out so those notes are probably important to that party leader.

    - If you don't know the quest - fess up! Most party leaders will be happy to help you if you are honest about it, and those who won't aren't people you're going to enjoy running with anyway.

    - If you don't know the quest - don't do $hit unless you are instructed to do so. Many quests can be ruined by doing something that logically seems very unimportant.

    And finally...grow thicker skin and some metaphorical balls.
    Amen, how Id love this as a pop up window for anyone who tried to join my lfm. The type of people this is aimed at is exactly why I rarely if ever put up lfm's, it's just too annoying to deal with the BS. Btw welcome back to the game....again
    Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).
    @>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@

  10. #50
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dozen_Black_Roses View Post
    Amen, how Id love this as a pop up window for anyone who tried to join my lfm. The type of people this is aimed at is exactly why I rarely if ever put up lfm's, it's just too annoying to deal with the BS. Btw welcome back to the game....again
    Awww....hey Suz How you been? Miss you on Thelanis.

  11. #51
    Community Member dsebutchr's Avatar
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    I agree with everything OP said...

    Unfortunately none of the people that need to see this come to the forums so it was an utter waste.

    We need this to be a pop up, IN GAME, that explains how the LFM works and what the terms mean.
    Account was hacked. So none of the characters that were listed here can be trusted...not even me.
    Gah...I can't trust myself now...
    Hi! Welcome.

  12. #52
    Community Member stoolcannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The10man View Post
    I think you missed what I read. I like running with new people and helping them and often do as guildmates and others will tell you. HOWEVER, there are times when I am trying to get something done as quickly as possible (maybe I have somewhere to be in an hour but want to run a shroud for example). I ran two shrouds the other day both were good groups one took 67 minutes the other took 22. See the difference? When in a hurry I post LFMs like know the way, BYOH, IP, etc to let people know get in fast we are moving or don't join. If there are no notes I am waiting for a full party and don't mind newer people (not noobs but that is a different topic as a noob can have been playing for years) tag along and I do enjoy the quests.

    I read OP to mean don't join groups with such disclaimers then expect a different group than advertised. Ie. Don't go to a strip club and get mad at the dancers for dancin.
    I read the OP the same way, I'm just having a general discussion and don't take issue with the OP in any way. If I join those groups I behave as expected. Perhaps you should read what I wrote?

  13. #53
    Community Member stoolcannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsebutchr View Post
    I agree with everything OP said...

    Unfortunately none of the people that need to see this come to the forums so it was an utter waste.

    We need this to be a pop up, IN GAME, that explains how the LFM works and what the terms mean.
    You know some nights there aren't any LFM's up for my particular class and level and I'll wait for awhile and if it doesn't work out that something gets posted I will sometimes click one that's above level and/or posted as above. I do however shoot a tell to the leader informing them that I'm intelligent and can run my toon and if they can't fill I'd be glad to join them. Most of the time they let me in "noob" or otherwise.

    I don't necessarily take issue with people joining an LFM that they don't fit perfectly but I do take issue with them not saying anything about it and then getting in the quest and screwing something up.

  14. #54
    Community Member Swedishchef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly_Bear View Post
    Dear Thelanis,

    -Please stop joining lfms that say "zerg" and then stopping at every collectable and p!$$-ant chest.

    -Please stop joining lfms that say "in progress" and/or "know your way" and then asking if we're in the quest.

    -Please stop joining lfms that say "in progress" and/or "know your way" and then asking for help in getting to the quest.

    -Please stop joining lfms while anonymous.

    -Please stop joining lfms that say "byoh ("bring your own healing" by the way) and not having any pots/scrolls.

    -Please stop getting butt-hurt when you get kicked from groups because you didn't match up to the lfm and decided to join anyway.

    Some tips...

    -When perusing the lfms you can hover over the quest listed and see the difficulty that is being run.

    -When perusing the lfms you can hover over the first box on the left and see who is where (ie: has the quest started yet)

    -When perusing the lfms pay attention to the notes the party leader added. They had to actually type them out so those notes are probably important to that party leader.

    - If you don't know the quest - fess up! Most party leaders will be happy to help you if you are honest about it, and those who won't aren't people you're going to enjoy running with anyway.

    - If you don't know the quest - don't do $hit unless you are instructed to do so. Many quests can be ruined by doing something that logically seems very unimportant.

    And finally...grow thicker skin and some metaphorical balls.
    +1 Truth, plain and easy.
    Sadly MORONS can´t read so they still hit yer lfm.

    You need to spread some rep b4.. yada yada yada
    You don´t get more out of life then you put in to it.

  15. #55
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly_Bear View Post
    ...couldn't care less...
    Thank you for using this phrase correctly. That's one of those things that just irritates me to no end.

  16. #56
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    Thank you for using this phrase correctly. That's one of those things that just irritates me to no end.
    You too eh? I will interrupt people talking to correct them on it. I don't know why - its not that big of a deal. Its just a big pet peeve for me I guess.

  17. #57
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamguard View Post
    ROTFLMAO :rofl::rofl::rofl:
    You also left out about F2P players who don't have access to a P2P zone, but still join the party.

    another one I left out

    Please don't join LFMs for content you don't have access too >.<

  18. #58
    Community Member Slink's Avatar
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    Hjeakl mer!


    oops, sorry bout the 10% can you take meh to shrine plz?

    I dont have the sentinels pack btw.

  19. #59
    Community Member Ebuddy's Avatar
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    Default Lol!

    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    Thank you for using this phrase correctly. That's one of those things that just irritates me to no end.
    Thelanis - Lightbearer - Cleric 20, Sareeshi - Ranger 20 (TR from AA to AA, yea, that's right), Roggiegal - 16/2/2 Rogue, Pally, Fighter, Pyranas - TR Sorceres 19, Pallyguy - Pally 19, Littlebigman - 20/2 (dwarf) Ranger/Fighter (tempest), Locksmythe - 11 Rogue and others...

  20. #60
    Community Member stoolcannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly_Bear View Post
    another one I left out

    Please don't join LFMs for content you don't have access too >.<
    This game isn't exactly "accessible" for noobs. It took me a few days to figure out what the hell F2P and P2P meant. There's no set of instructions for how to interact or how to play the game and most everyone has to learn things the hard way. Granted if you've managed to get to level 10 or so you should probably know by then what's free and what's not.

    However, if I'm not mistaken the "Show quests I'm not eligible for" is checked by default in settings which would further exacerbate the problem.

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