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Thread: grade my wizard

  1. #1
    Community Member Steelhawk58's Avatar
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    Default grade my wizard

    I have a wizard on Argonessan.

    Wizard 3
    Human lawful good female

    str 16
    dex 10
    con 8
    int 18
    wis 8
    cha 8

    Hit points 34
    Spell points 268
    Armor class 10 [+2]
    Fortitude: 0
    will: +3

    basst attack bonus: +1
    Spell resistance:0

    GRADE MY WIZARD PLEASE! i also need constructive criticism. im not doing this to show off, im doing this to see what im doing wrong so far.

    NOTE: some of the things i may have said earlier could have included typos and errors. i thought i had 16 int when really i wasn't thinking straight-- i had wreamed the **** out of a friend for him not having 18 char on a bard when he had 16
    Last edited by Steelhawk58; 09-30-2010 at 11:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    You seem to have very poor con. You also seem to not have maxxed int. No idea what you are doing without one or both of those; if you are melee-ing, you need more con, if you are a non melee mage you need more con and more int.

  3. #3
    Community Member Steelhawk58's Avatar
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    im neither a melee mage nor a non melee mage. im a non melee mage who, on her last spell points, equips my sword and shield, casts masters touch, and then starts using my wand. once i run out of wand, i use my bow; if i run out of arrows or the enemies get too close, i usually just draw steel and hurl myself into battle.

  4. #4
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    Agreed, max intell, min 14 con. Wis,chr are dump stats for the most part. I need more details for a better opinion.
    Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.

    All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)

  5. #5
    Community Member jortann's Avatar
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    Curious as to what your CON stat is?

    Also it would be helpful if you had included the race.

    I am a big fan of Dwarf wizards for the CON benefits and the racial toughness enhancements that add to your hit point pool.

    Toughness is a Feat you will want to take.

    The shield use is probably adding a 10% spell failure. That is probably ok at level 3, but you will probably want to lose the shield soon.

    From your loaded up spells I noticed that you are missing burning hands and scorching ray. Both are very good at level 3. At level 3 I usually unloaded burning hands a couple of times before I started hacking on things with my weapon.

    At about level 5 you are going to want to lose the weapon all together and pick up some sceptors to make your spells more powerful. Lore sceptors will add to your chance to critical hit and your critical hit multiplier. The other sceptor you will want will be an increase to the damage your spells do. For example, one sceptor set may be a Greater Ice Lore Sceptor and a Greater Glaciaction Sceptor. Those would both help your ice related spells and you could have another set for fire spells - A Fire Lore Sceptor and a Combustion Sceptor.

    If you left your CON real low... you may want to reroll your character...

    Hope that helps

  6. #6
    Community Member newandoriginalname's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelhawk58 View Post
    I have a wizard on Argonessan. she is level 3. her hp are 31. she has a str of 16 and an int of 16. So far, the only level 1 spell she lacks is that one involving sonic damage, and she has knock, electric loop, and melf's acid arrow as level 2 spells. currently memorized spells are Niac's cold ray, magic missiles, master's touch, ray of enfeeblement, electric loop and melf's acid arrow. she uses a longsword and wooden large shield, and a composite long bow.

    I will update this with more details when i get back home, where i can access my char files and give you more detail.

    GRADE MY WIZARD PLEASE! i also need constructive criticism. im not doing this to show off, im doing this to see what im doing wrong so far.
    It depends what you want your wizard to do...

    In terms of casting cc spells your int is 2 short of maximum(i assume your an elf) meaning you will fail saving rolls more often.

    Your strength being 16 means that you hit stuff with weapons often and hard to begin with, some people would consider that excessive and useless considering your class.

    20 heroic durability
    3*4 hit dice - 6 = 6
    and assuming minor false life +5 = 31

    Your hp at lvl 3 are 31, that leads me to belive that you started with 6 con, starting with low con is bad, as a wizard it is your second most important stat after int, what did you do with the remaining 8 ability points?

    Short term, this is probly working for you and is fun to play. Long term stuff hits you much harder and your going to die easily the 16 str is not helpful, and your casting abilitys are suffering for your attempt to generalise.

    Last edited by newandoriginalname; 09-30-2010 at 03:45 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelhawk58 View Post
    im neither a melee mage nor a non melee mage. im a non melee mage who, on her last spell points, equips my sword and shield, casts masters touch, and then starts using my wand. once i run out of wand, i use my bow; if i run out of arrows or the enemies get too close, i usually just draw steel and hurl myself into battle.
    Ah. Role player.

  8. #8
    Community Member Zilta's Avatar
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    While its fine if you want to play a melee wizard its extremely difficult to build one thats effective in any way at end game and I have never seen one that is pure wiz. I would suggest as other have said to toss your int as high as it can go. If you are an elf or drow you can get away with 12 con if you take toughness feats to make up for it.

    If you truly want to make a wizard that can melee slightly I would suggest rolling a warforged, they have natural immunities to most things, they can self heal with repair spells, and they have a base bonus to con.

  9. #9
    Community Member Steelhawk58's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doxmaster View Post
    Ah. Role player.

    btw, im a freeby, so im not going to be able to get much past level 5.


  10. #10
    Community Member Srozbun's Avatar
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    I would suggest you read some wizard guides on the forums and roll up a new wizard. For a first character, level 3 may feel like an achievement, but as you play this game you will see it can easily be reached in one days time. Some things to consider on a new wizard:

    1. More CON. I recommend at least 14
    2. Toughness -> your HP is pretty low, even at level 3. Wizards have lots of extra feats so no reason to not take toughness
    3. Max Intel. 18 at creation
    4. Dump CHA, DEX. STR should be no higher than 12. WIS can be dumped if you don't mind the loss of a will save.
    5. RESEARCH! Learn what metamagics are useful, what spells are useful, what feats/enhancements are useful.
    700+ HP? 90+ AC? TWF DPS and Hate?

  11. #11
    Community Member DrNuegebauer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelhawk58 View Post

    btw, im a freeby, so im not going to be able to get much past level 5.
    You'll be able to easily get past level 10 as a freebie.


    What you need to do with this character is: delete it.

    But before you do, roll up another one and transfer your stuff over (mail it in game).

    You might as well go human? Start with maximum intelligence, then put at least 6 build points into con, (10 is better) and then you can put the rest wherever you like (some str so you don't get burdened? some chr for umd?)

    For a tactic, try charm spells - charm a monster and let it fight for you.

  12. #12
    Community Member Steelhawk58's Avatar
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    you know guys, i just took this wizard and solo'd on elite, a dungeon that a group of level 5's couldnt do on hard. the secret? i snuck around and used my spells' effects.

  13. #13
    Community Member Steelhawk58's Avatar
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    soz for making it look like i only had 16 int on honglauph you can type on the who area "Honglauph" and ul find my char.

  14. #14
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelhawk58 View Post
    Wizard 3
    Human lawful good female

    str 16
    dex 10
    con 8
    int 18
    wis 8
    cha 8
    If you're planning on doing melee, drop strength to 14, dexterity to 8, raise constitution to 14. If you want to use bows, you could try swapping strength and dexterity since bows get their to-hit from dexterity. But your damage will be pretty bad. But having a low constitution is almost always a bad idea in DDO. I've run into characters at high levels with a low score and they're almost constantly dead.

    If you don't see yourself getting past level 10 though you could easily grab a weapon and shield and jump into melee combat. Personally, my wizard is running a 15 strength, 16 constitution, and an 18 intelligence (TRed for 34 points). I commonly run into melee combat with my two-handed weapon (low levels I use a falchion or greataxe, high levels I use the Dreamspitter) after throwing crowd control spells.

    Also if you want to try soloing content, throw a couple levels of rogue into the mixture. I'd recommend first at level 1, second at level 8 or higher. Try to max out your rogue skills with priority to Search and Disable. You can skip Open Locks and take Spot if you don't know where the traps are. If you're doing that, make sure to take Insightful Reflexes so your reflex save will get high enough that evasion will almost always save. You'll find lightning/fireball attacks done to you won't land (starting at second level rogue when you get evasion).
    Last edited by Ryiah; 10-01-2010 at 05:59 PM.

  15. #15
    Community Member Steelhawk58's Avatar
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    having low cons stand for "bad idea in ddo", and ddo stands for "dungeons and dragons online" DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS online. im supposed to be good at dungeons to the extreme, and NOT just on paper and pencil. i may be a little rusty, but i rarely, if ever, needed to put my cons above 10 (but when i did i went overboard like putting it at 20 or so), and when i needed to do so for benifits w/o going overboard, i usually just had a cleric just place some buff on me. or, if i had some dungeon experience (NOT character experience or personal experience, which i had a LOT of), i would specifically ask for immunity or protection against whatever killed me last time-- if it was spider poison, i would ask for fortitude or protection against poison; if it was that i had to swim in water nearly ice cold, i would ask for a will save, else i wouldn't even go in there (at that point, fortitude saves were a matter of how fast the cleric could heal, as the fort only led to half damage).
    now, im well aware of some of the dangers in the dungeon. so ive learned to sneak around, and look before i leap. the chests ive seen havent EVER been trapped if in in ddo (so far), so all i have to do is watch for obvious ground traps.
    I once stole the devil's luck; hes been unlucky trying to get it back.

  16. #16
    Community Member Esserbe's Avatar
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    Don't caps out D&D and forget to caps out the O. This is a different beast, and the difference between an 8 con and 14 con at lvl 8-12+ will be VERY noticeable. If you are using tactics and smarts to play, why have that much strength? Put it into con.

  17. #17
    Community Member stoolcannon's Avatar
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    Con is way too low.

    Roll an easier toon, earn 400 favor then create a drow wizard with max int and everything else in con.

    You'll do much better and have more fun.

  18. #18
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelhawk58 View Post
    having low cons stand for "bad idea in ddo", and ddo stands for "dungeons and dragons online" DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS online. im supposed to be good at dungeons to the extreme, and NOT just on paper and pencil. i may be a little rusty, but i rarely, if ever, needed to put my cons above 10
    That tactic might work in P&P, but as has been mentioned above, DDO is an entirely different beast. I would call DDO "High-Powered Dungeons and Dragons". You'll find enemies have really stupidly high to-hit, armor class, etc. Just looking at those spells based on hit-dice should give you an idea - most of them are utterly useless by the time you finally get them. In fact, they probably wouldn't land even a few levels earlier than when you'd get them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelhawk58 View Post
    now, im well aware of some of the dangers in the dungeon. so ive learned to sneak around, and look before i leap. the chests ive seen havent EVER been trapped if in in ddo (so far), so all i have to do is watch for obvious ground traps.
    Hrm. So you've yet to run into a trapped chest? VoN 3 is the earliest I can think of off-hand for a trapped chest and that's level 9. There's a pretty big difference in quest difficulty starting roughly around level 12. Once you've hit Gianthold and eventually the Vale of Twilight you'll see. I won't even go into how nasty Amrath is. That con score simply won't cut it.
    Last edited by Ryiah; 10-02-2010 at 10:36 AM.

  19. #19
    Community Member Esserbe's Avatar
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    An example:

    Even if you take Insightful Reflexes, you won't have evasion if you're not a rogue or monk splash, and thus you're gonna die very very quickly to spells at level 10+. I was playing with a level 12 rogue who had ~80-100ish HP and if he failed a save, he died and that was that. You won't even have to fail it - you'll die on a successful save, most likely.

    Con is not a dumpstat for arcanes in DDO.

  20. #20
    Community Member jillie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Esserbe View Post
    Con is not a dumpstat in DDO.
    Fixed that for you.
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