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  1. #1
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    Default What do I lose if I take 2 fighter instead?

    I keep running the numbers apart from the 10 DR and +2 to CHA what do I really lose other then a pretty sizeable increase in spurt DPS (due to fighter enhancement) and a few extra HP?

  2. #2
    Community Member Polarkin's Avatar
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    by splashing 2 levels of any non-sp having class you lose:

    10 DR lvl 20 feat
    FVS +2cha capstone
    FVS capstone "free" spell effect (searing light, cure light wounds, shield, invis, etc...)
    approximately 250sp from levels 19 and 20
    20% of the potential sp gain from any sp item (ex: an archmage sp item gives 400sp to a pure fvs and 360 sp to an 18fvs/2fighter)

  3. #3
    Community Member LookingForABentoBox's Avatar
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    Instead of 2 fvs levels or instead of 2 monk levels?
    Argonnessen mains: Pinku, Ohtaku

  4. #4
    Community Member stoopid_cowboy's Avatar
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    Not to mention two level 9 spells and one level 8 spell. NOT WORTH IT!
    You will not gain enough BAB to make it worth while. You will get one extra feat and a little attack haste but it will not make you uber.
    If you were going to splash anything, I would recommend monk (for wisdom based AC, evasion, and monk fighting) or Rogue (for evasion, UMD, search/spot, and lock skills). The rogue would be more for UMD and evasion. Without Int your rogue skills will be lacking.
    With that being said, I would still recommend staying pure. I melee with my FvS along side fighters every day and have equal kill counts

    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I guess pants can be optional

  5. #5
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Your self respect

    oh ya, and DR10 and free healing which is awesome.

  6. #6
    Community Member pSINNa's Avatar
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    Default For me it's about 'difference'

    I've got a TR lvl 20 human fvs, and the dr10 and free heals are amazing, along with the spell palette being more then adequate to do a lot of cc and dc killing to fully control a quest. His dps is 'pretty good' with his twin min2 da's, and i love playing the guy solo in amrath, and of course being an extremely hardy raid healer.

    My other fvs is a 32 point monk2/18fvs, and i love using him for epic dragon (the evasion really makes that a win for a a healer), his dps is comparable to my pure fella, using his hb of pg scimi's mostly, and with some nice abbot gear he picked up, has no problem raid healing as primary any old time we need him for it. His solo skills are of the same standard as the other guy, having a useable ac and of course evasion.

    Now i've got another one on the burn now, and he's a fighter2/18 fvs, his sacrifice in dc's (this one has 'middle' wisdome instead of maxed like the other two) is being make up with a line of melee tactics, giving me the oppurtunity to go with high dps, trip and stun for control, and again, being able to raid heal and keep himself upright when solo-ing.

    Each one of these fellows has a different approach, but in the end, are all viable, good at what they do, and lots of fun. They each have a different feel when being played, and can contribute to a raid or quest in a number of ways.

    So what did i lose? Nothing really, it's just 3 very different toons that happen to be fvs raid healers as well.

    Food for thought.

    Coit out~
    Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda

  7. #7
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    You will not gain enough BAB to make it worth while.
    With Divine Power, you do not gain any BAB at all.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  8. #8
    Community Member RONASH's Avatar
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    I play a 17 fvs 2 fighter 1 barb, I like the 2 fighter for two feats in a feat intensive build plus one str a lil more hp plus 2 to confirm crits and damage and most importantly the 15 percent haste boost. I guess it depends on what you r going for my fvs is made purely for self healing melee. The only offensive spell i use is bb of which the only draw back is having low saves i.e. 19 save because wis is not a primary stat for my toon. I can still solo quests like sins using blade barrier and swinging duel min 2 rapiers critting for around 80-90 self and in full raid parties breaking the 100 barrier on the first set of numbers. I took one barb simply for movement speed and plus one to power attack enhancement, with a the increase to base speed and sprint boost up and leap of faith its probably the fastest moving toon in the game right up there with monk. If you are making a more caster oriented fvs with some melee id go straight twenty. I still have 2300 mana which is plenty to solo heal a shroud and can output dps in a reasonable manner and can heal from the middle of the fight. Admittedly lacks a few of the buffs a pure fvs has and a few of the fun spells like implosion, but imho the cooldown is way to long and id rather use bb anyway as it is capable of taking out a grt deal more mobs in the long run.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    The permanent Stoneskin is worth at least 100hp in Epics (and is better than 500hp in Normal difficulty high-level content).

    Also splashing costs you the extra level 9 spells - a FvS18/Xxx2 must take Mass Heal (the best spell the class is capable of casting) and thus misses out on being able to pick two of the very useful True Resurrection, the situationally powerful Energy Drain and everyone's favorite distraction, Summon Monster 9.

    I would never consider multiclassing a favored soul except for combat feats that are absolutely required.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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