... cos pugging can so often be awful on a cleric...
(was just in a SOS ... poor buffing, poor tactics, poor other stuff... wipe... and although it's not said... who gets blamed?i am not the best player and this particular build is sub optimal.. but still... )
so... i know that there a lot of us out there playing clerics who need *happy* cleric stories.... even if it's just 'i had a couple of hours pugging last night and they were the best and funniest bunch of puggers'.
please post happy cleric pugging stories
(although if you've had a miserable time pugging recently and want a hug you can post too for sympathy)
EDIT: only happy stories from clerics/Fvs please - because until you've pugged a cleric/fvs i think you really don't fully understand why this thread is necessary. particularly for newer players.