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  1. #1
    Community Member Martdon's Avatar
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    Default Build Your Party

    Just for fun. I am wondering how other people would set up their party if they got to choose every party members race and class.

    Couple of limitations are;
    -You can only use each race and class once.
    -Each character needs to be pure. No splashing.
    So no party of 5 Half-Orc Barbarians with a healer.
    And yes, I am including Half-Orcs and Half-Elves.

    Here's what I was thinking.

    Half-Orc Fighter
    Fighter offers better survivabilty than barbarian which seems that it could be the Half-Orc's only shortcoming.

    Warforged Barbarian
    Immunities, including to exhaustion at lower levels.

    Half-Elf Bard
    Fighter Half-Elf Delitante feat to allow access to martial weapons.

    Human Thief
    Extra feat to make taking Khopesh easier,and human adaptibilty.

    Halfling Favoured Soul
    Heal Dragonmark for 5 free heals. Unyielding Sovereignty for a free full cure/heal. FvS Soeriegn Host capstone for unlimted CLW for topping up between fights. Decent S&B dps and can still fit in guile.

    Drow Wizard
    Extra INT. Wizard for extra feats. Archmage also seems a good route.

    So what would you choose and why?

  2. #2
    Community Member testing1234's Avatar
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    no pure party would be my ideal closest thing might be
    2x monks wf dps/stun
    1x rogue wf dps/trap
    1x barb or fighter wf dps/high crit
    1xbard x race dps/warchanter
    1xwizard wf caster/healer

    this team would be much better of with a wiz18/2rogue replacing the rogue or even better a multiclass bard handling traps and replacing the rogue with a fvs or cleric for BB/heal/deathward.

    just saw u only wanted each class and race used once not used this as found it to restrictive the fact is would have preferd mostly if not all multiclasses monks one of the few melee classes find pure is a very good build.
    Last edited by testing1234; 09-25-2010 at 03:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Jakarr's Avatar
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    Hmm I will go with the party I normally run now

    All WF

    16 Sorc/2rogue/2pal-Intima Sorc Tank(I play this)
    20 Sorc-Insta kill/cc side of dps
    16 Bard/2rogue/2fighter Spellslinger
    20 Barb
    20 AA Ranger
    20 FvS

    Normally its just the top 3 and we handle most anything, the 20 barb is my dad who sometimes plays and the last 2 would be what I'd add if I could pick. The FvS could be a caster or melee.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    D&D promotes gang activity? Ya, because when I meet a bunch of Crypts I obviously assume they are all D20 players.
    What a stupid ruling, we all know that D&D promotes satanism, not gangs.
    In-Game Eldgrim The Gray-FvS Life Now

  4. #4
    Community Member Martdon's Avatar
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    I know splashing and using multiple of the same classes and races make a party better, which is why I called them limitations. What I am wondering, is what would people would do if they HAD to stay pure, and as with many fantasy/RP stories go (not all of them mind you, but many) there is only one kind of each race in your party, and one kind of each class.
    I know the party wouldn't be ideal, but I am looking for people to think outside the box, and make their decisions, with those limitations.

  5. #5
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    the first 5 to click on the lfm that says byoh

  6. #6
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by martdon View Post
    Half-Orc Barbarian
    Fighter offers better survivabilty than barbarian which seems that it could be the Half-Orc's only shortcoming. Will have much more class synergy

    Warforged Fighter
    Immunities, including to exhaustion at lower levels.Not just immunities, but can use a multitude of feats and special combat actions. Can Trip/Stunning Blow/Can intim mobs off the higher DPS Barb.

    Half-Elf Bard
    Ranger dilettante to allow for ranged combat. Arcane Archer route. Also, take into consideration that if they are a Warchanter, they'll get their martial weapon proficiency, anyway, but it may be better if the lower HP Bard allow the higher HP classes to take the front lines.

    Human Thief
    Extra feat to make taking Khopesh easier,and human adaptibilty... Sure. You're also forgetting Human Versatility.

    Halfling Favored Soul
    Heal Dragonmark for 5 free heals. Unyielding Sovereignty for a free full cure/heal. FvS Soeriegn Host capstone for unlimted CLW for topping up between fights. Decent S&B dps and can still fit in guile. Beholder may be a nice race here .... >.> Nah, I guess Halfling's fine. the -2 Str will be bad for melee DPS, but these things happen.

    Drow Wizard
    Extra INT. Wizard for extra feats. Archmage also seems a good route. Again, sure. As long as they don't run out of SP insanely fast, or forget what hit points are, they should be fine.
    Responses in Red.

    Also, note that since there is a Bard and Rogue, there is slightly less DPS than if there was a third mainline DPS. This is mitigated, however, if the fighter uses proper hate-gathering to allow the rogue the full benefit of his/her sneak attack damage.

    I would also suggest that in such a party that certain "face skills" get split up among the party members - the Fighter gets Intimidate, the Bard gets Bluff, the FvS gets Diplomacy, that sort of thing. While Bluff + Diplo have limited use, the few places in game they can be used are fun, and normally extra XP. Crucible comes to mind.

  7. #7
    Community Member DToNE's Avatar
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    Warforged Fighter
    Improved Trip, Stunning Blow, Improved Sunder, Tactical Build.

    Human Rogue
    Khopesh Assassin build.

    Halfling Ranger
    Tempest Khopesh build.

    Dwarf Monk
    Light Side STR/WIS/CON build

    Drow Wizard
    Pure caster build

    Half-Elf Cleric
    Melee Capable build.
    Last edited by DToNE; 09-25-2010 at 04:11 PM.

    The Anti-Conformist
    Quote Originally Posted by Zigana View Post
    ...It was a dwarven thrower--you know, it throws dwarves!

  8. #8
    Community Member wolflordnexus's Avatar
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    Halfling Rogue
    Pure DPS Kopesh Assasin

    Half Orc Barbarian
    Pure Str Con 2 hander

    Human Bard WC
    TwF Kopesh build also massive haggle for the party as a side job

    Dwarf Fighter
    Defender build for those few situations you need an intimi THF in most scenarios Heavy Tactics

    WF Sorc
    Self reliant soloer who can take care of odd objectives

    Elf FVS
    dual scimmy build to keep the team up

  9. #9
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jakarr View Post
    Hmm I will go with the party I normally run now

    All WF

    16 Sorc/2rogue/2pal-Intima Sorc Tank(I play this)
    20 Sorc-Insta kill/cc side of dps
    16 Bard/2rogue/2fighter Spellslinger
    20 Barb
    20 AA Ranger
    20 FvS

    Normally its just the top 3 and we handle most anything, the 20 barb is my dad who sometimes plays and the last 2 would be what I'd add if I could pick. The FvS could be a caster or melee.

    I don't think they like our philosophies on party make up Jak... Oh well

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