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A continuous x4 manyshot roughly triples the damage output of an archer which puts him well ahead of pretty much everything else.
An archer can attack targets as soon as he can see them and he can attack multiple targets at once for full effect with improved precise shot.
Thats why i said its overpowered and you will have a hard time balancing that huge dps advantage in a game that revolves around dps without making archers into some kind of glass cannons that die when being looked at the wrong way which wouldn't be fun either.
When the cooldowns were bugged you already could take a glimpse at continuous manyshot and archers were dominating when they abused that.
I think we can all agree then that the 4 arrows of manyshot in a stance would push it to the extreme end of DPS. What about A_D's and Benjai's suggestion that it be reduced to just a static 1 extra arrow per shot? This would increase ranged DPS by 100%, which sounds drastic but really would still be behind melee dps by a fair amount I would imagine.
Could even tack on Coldins idea of doublestrike and give them a 1 or 2 % chance to trigger a doublestrike.
As is archery is rather situational, you pew pew while manyshot is up and go twf when its on cooldown.
But should archery be situational? With the PrE's of Arcane Archer, Deepwood Sniper, Mechanic (I know, not a manyshot user but still a ranged concept), bow strength as a feat, Zen Archery, and I'm sure others I'm forgetting it is apparent that the ranged concept is being built up as something more than just situational. It should never be as powerful as melee, really not even close, but it needs a DPS boost from what it is currently.
Ranged combat should be on the low end of the dps scale because you start dealing damage before anyone else and you mitigate quite a bit of incoming damage as well.
Agree, but currently it's so low on the DPS scale that it invalidates the entire concept of ranged combat.
As is ranged is too weak but i'd rather see archers getting the ability to use trip or stunning blow at range, giving them double range for sneak attacks and stuff like that then upping their damage to a degree where melees will have a hard time getting to fight anyone.
Ranged would certainly benefit from the addition of the use of certain combat feats at ranged. And an increase to sneak attack range with ranged weapons would be nice, however keep in mind that rogues will now be able to take feats to improve their doublestrike ability. Doubling their sneak attack range would really make them the best bow users in the game I would think.
Oh and ty for the +1.