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  1. #61
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    I would only be for removing/lowering it if there was something else to drain plat from the economy.

    Come on people, if you make them remove the auction tax, they're just gonna find more ways to reduce the economy. What do you want them to do? 5% tax per day (of your total money) if you have 500,000 or less plat, 10% tax per day if you have more than 2 million plat?

    I say NO. Keep the auction tax because removing it will only make things worse.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  2. #62
    Community Member Senshock's Avatar
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    instead for example:

    add a reasonable % fee, based on your list price **at the time of posting**
    to get rid of overpriced junk - might be one solution/another useful plat sink to the game

    My 2 copper..

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    Player run shops would be fair competition.
    The plat or tp sink would be on rental, it is like that in other games.
    That would be great. The fact is few FTP MMO have an AH in the first place. The only reason we do is because of DDOs transition from PTP.

    Most FTP I have been on use the go afk with a sho[ mat that is able to hold usually one bags space worth if items to post for sale. Usually u can have a short advertisment floating over your head.

    I Also would have 0 problem with seeing the best Items end up back mainly in the forum trade section. I was part of that heavy trade in the early days as well as when fernia had the wed night bargain bazzarre gathering in the old center tent.

    I miss the more personal interaction which all true traders do. I always felt it was actually a reward for having that energy and interest to be wealthier then the farmers who tended to sale low for a quick buck or just vendor items.

    Guild Wars was a great example of a game where the true wealth was in the hands of those who spent the most time in the active trade channels and knew how to TALK to other players bartering for fair deals that kept inflation down.

    You would actually gain rep among the server that way as a good trader with fair deals and would have a clientele eager to buy from you first if you could provide what they wanted.

    Anyways Id be all for a return to a actually social based trade system vs the impersonal AH that creates a haven for greed at its worst.

    When people know who you are you often dont want to rip them off.

  4. #64
    Community Member knightgf's Avatar
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    If you are TRUELY confident that there is too much plat in-game, then by all means, link me to a money-making guide that explains how to make millions upon millions upon millions of plat in a matter of moments, and I will agree with you. Or better yet, if you have too much plat on your hands, why not give away some? Im sure a lot of clerics could use some to buy heal scrolls for those uninspiring pug runs...

    Until then, I am, to some, sadly convinced that there is no such thing as 'too much plat' in the game.

  5. #65
    Community Member Ybbald's Avatar
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    Lower the tax on random loot items to 10%
    Keep tax the same on named items and ingredients, collectibles, etc.

    All the big items keep draining plat but the small items don't as much which makes it easier on new players and low level players

  6. #66
    Community Member Dunfalach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuney View Post
    Orginaly when the AH was first set up, the 'fee' for posting items was 2 parted. There was a fee based on eather your starting price or Buyout (The higher of the two) the % was based on how long you put it on. The sooner the item would leave the market (Not counting buyout) the lower the placing fee but higher the Cut to the item was and Higher placing fee but lower % cut if placed for 3 days.

    But because if you put in a buyout you'd pay that HUGE tax even if it never got that high and you started low. It was changed to what we have now , A fix % cut off and placing price that is based on base item value and that is returned if you failed to sell the item.
    Well, I got one useful thing out of this thread. Since I've been avoiding selling on the AH for quite some time now, I had no idea they set it up to return the fee if your item didn't sell. That might motivate me to AH more.

  7. #67
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    Until then, I am, to some, sadly convinced that there is no such thing as 'too much plat' in the game.
    What you don't understand is the concept of inflation. Look it up and you'll learn something new.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  8. #68
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
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    Thirty f'ing percent seems too steep. Sure it's fine for veterans who have money. But for new players it is a hard hit to the pocket book. 10% would be more bearable. F'ing real tax is not even that high, at least where I live.

  9. #69
    Founder LeLoric's Avatar
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    I think the biggest reason we need to keep the auction fee is due to the haggle skill.

    If no fee a high haggle toon could buy stacks of pots/scrolls, post them on the auction house for less than the regular vendor fee and still make a large profit.

    This reason alone means that there has to be a posting fee for auctions.

    For items that can't be bought as mentioned before just up your buyout price for those and let the buyer cover the costs.
    Ghallanda Rerolled
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