Stormreach Mentor
Guess 500 hp lightning strikes are ok. Probably never get hit with any of those. If you are playing a caster in the arena it usually means that you need a good killing most of the time anyway. Glad there is someone there to oblidge you.
First of all, ill just say that I personally love pvp. I also realize its amazingly broken, me playing a wizzy and all. Ill also say I've been killed plenty of times by slayer arrows, though you don't see me whining on the forums about it.
First thing about pvp, don't start a fight with people you know you have 0 chance of beating, that is, don't fight the AA OP. Two, theres ALWAYS a way to beat anyone, what i do against AAs is, jump up on the platform. Rebuff/repair, jump in, dispel, MM, they may or may not fall into the hole/the opening near the back, this determines if you win or not. Now, wait on one of the far corners, spam him with polar-ray + scorching ray (No saves) when he trys to get back up, if you cant 1-shot/2-shot him, you need to redo your enhancements/get better gear. This makes you win, because you actually THINK about what you want to do, not just stand in one spot and spam random spells like an idiot (not assuming the OP did this).
Three, do you remember any melees you completely destroyed while being half-asleep? Do you see them whining about it, and make 3 threads to nerf spells? No, I haven't myself.
PvP is lot more strategic if you want it to be, and if it has a need to be, i.e when you're facing someone that presents a real threat.
Just my 2 cents.
EDIT - Next time you get killed in pvp, send a tell to the person saying 'nice job' or something along the lines of that, usually prevents you from getting ripped apart, over and over again.
Last edited by nanobot1994; 09-05-2010 at 09:05 AM.
Community Member
slayer arrows and or light 2 bow are overpowered in pvp. Power word spells and otto irres are overpowered in pvp. Infinite lay on hands and clickies use are overpowered in pvp. 500 hp monk fist is overpowered in pvp. All pvp system is totally unbalanced. Some classes like arcane casters or arcane archers are overpowered , some others like rogues are useless. When you go in lobster you should accept all this unbalanced system, and just have fun even if u die.
To the Original Poster
Dance, FTS, Improved Trip. Searing Light are all spells that still to this day my archers hate !
Some are annoying some leave me defensless some right out kill me
I gotta tell ya
Me having archers with slaying arrows does not by any means make me more powerful that anyone else
It makes the person who is about to attack any of my toons think twice about it. I gotta tell you since slayer arrows came out I rarely get jumped anymore ( ecept by a few toons I have upset over the years ! )
On a side note I do get /telled " What lvl are you?" alot more ..... If my toon is below 18th peeps always come charging lol !
On a LAST note ... feel free to hop into the Lobster on Khyber ..... I dont need slaying arrows to make you die ... FACT !
Have fun and remember ...... Its just a game .... breathe !!
Remember that rangers in DDO (or DnD for that matter) are based off of the rangers from Tolkein. They are known more for their melee prowess and ability to hide and stalk in the woods. The name has nothing to do them 'ranging' attacks. That seems to be a HUGE misconception from newer players.
Thus my point is that rangers are melee AND ranged all in 1 package. The PrE lines of AA and Tempest just let you specialize those combat functions without hampering the other.
As to the OP, the slaying arrows are not overpowered in concept but perhaps in implementation. Even that however is subject to discussion since PvP was put in to add flavor to the game not as a main drawing point. The most common function of PvP is really to test how items/spells/effects/etc work with someone that can give numerical feedback.
As the title says. No more Slayer Arrows. Allow more crits.
PvP people can get 100% Fortification. PvE you'll crit more.
You guys can discuss the numbers alls I know is that it's the best of both worlds.
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Bwest Fwiends
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The Hatchery
Did you ever think about the possibility that those AA are out for you just because of all those posts?
PvP means nothing in this game and nobody will ever change anything to balance pvp.
If it means that much to you i'd strongly recommend playing another game that is balanced for PvP.
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Does shield blocking negate the whole slayer arrow bit?
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Buddy, it's not slayer arrows that are killing you; it's manyshot that is killing you; it's distance that is killing you. 561 hps is not enough to survive manyshot even without slayer arrows, it's not enough to survive many spell crits either. Shield block until manyshot runs out or get yourself a wounding repeater or roll an AA or caster.
I seriously and helpfully recommend trying another game until DDO PVP is "balanced". Warhammer Online and World of Warcraft have thriving PVP communities and these games actually tool their combat systems with some ear toward PVPers. DDO does not "balance" with PVP in mind and that is what a lot of people like about it. DDO is balanced toward PVE.
I know that other smart people have recommended this to you before.
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You're very wrong, in my case. I have Reconstruct and Repair Critical Wounds.
The 2nd best ranger on Sarlona has hit me with his Epic Thornlord and Force imbue stuff only. No slayers, no stat damage. I survived.
I'm a sorcerer so I cast fast. I have full Force/Repair amplification aside from my 100% Fire/Ice specc. I survive his Manyshot. I've survived the best ranger's Manyshot too but he doesn't have an Epic Thornlord.
He would do more than the 2nd best because he's a monster-build elf AA instead of Tempest and he's got Kensai Powersurge and built it right.
As for the distance... no. I have Enlarge too.
Last edited by h4x0r1f1c; 09-25-2010 at 04:33 PM.
Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker
(how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)
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I've seen your fire spells. I'd be very shocked to find you've fully tiered them up on your enhancements.
In fact.. maybe I should hop on over to the character planner, and see if that even feasibly possible.
Oh wait. Right. This isn't a PvP game. As long as you're not in one of my parties for a quest (which is fine, because I doubt I'll find you in epics. Or Amrath. Or .. anything a toon of appropriate level will do), you can keep the Lobster. Ala'kia D'agon and Brother Tanglewood will be your best friends. They won't judge.
'Scuse me while I go Shadow-hump Horoth for a spell. Who? Don't worry about it. You'll never have a need to know.
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Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker
(how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)
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In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
It was meant to explain that having 561 HP is a good thing because I'm a sorcerer.
Name 1 other sorcerer on any server than has even 500. Plus I can win at PvP, just trying to even the odds against people who hop down when you're busy, 'nab a kill and jump right back up before you get any SP back.
Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker
(how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)