For the first time in ages (and since banking some nice doh-ray-me!) I have thought about making myself a Cleric.

Firstly I wanted to focus on High Wis / High Cha.
I know that Cha, turning and such are not that good in DDO compared to PnP but I have my heart setting on being the best Cleric I can be and turning IMO is the heart of a good cleric so am looking to max out these 2.

To this end I am thinking of going Drow for the High CHA.

The only thing I hate about being a Caster is it is very much CAST, CAST, CAST, out of Mana... and all of a sudden you are a big stone paperweight taking up party space. I want to be able to heal as much as possible, use wands and scrolls when I am out of Mana but also want to have something to fall back onto.

I was thinking about M/Cing with a Paladin for 4-6 levels to give me some melee-ability once my SP runs out.

I want to steer away from the idea of a Battle Cleric / War Priest... I don't want to build a cleric that fights 1st and heals second... I also don't want a healbot, I want something where I am healing as much as I can but when my SP runs out I can charge into battle without fear for my life

So big question...

What build can I honestly see myself getting into where
a ) Money is no issue (I can buy +2 tomes and high end gear easy enough)
b) I want to build it with High WIS + CHA regardless of the uber/non-uberness of such a choice
c) I want to focus on being a tactical healer, SP+wands+scrolls FIRST and then be able to run into battle once I am all OOM
d) I want a balanced 1-20 character that is not high/low level dependant (ie good at low lvls, screwed at high lvls or in reverse)
e) I want to be able to have fun!!
d) I am willing to consider mixing a melee class (such as FTR/BAR/PAL/RNG) into the mix