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  1. #1
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    Post Help Me With my Drow Sorcerer Build!

    I don't have the character planner builder thing. Yes, I'm new to the forums, but not to DnD (and I like to think I have some experience in DDO). This build is, overall, a drow fire/cold nuker sorcerer with a few good buffs, and a tiny bit of CC and insta-death. Please stick to what it's intended to be and don't tell me to make it WF or something.
    So here is my build so far:

    Drow Elf
    *Base Stats*
    Str  8/  10/  10
    Dex 10/  10/  10
    Con 14/  14/  14
    Int 12/  12/  12
    Wis  8/   8/  10
    Cha 20/  20/  20 <-Lvl up points into Cha
    An alternate 32-point would be to take the points off of wisdom and put them into int for more skills. Thoughts on which is better?

    Lvl 1~ Maximize Spell
    Lvl 3~ Empower Spell
    Lvl 6~ Extend Spell
    Lvl 9~ Toughness
    Lvl 12~Heighten Spell
    Lvl 15~Spell Penetration
    Lvl 18~Greater Spell Penetration
    23 Ranks Concentration
    11 Ranks UMD
    11 Ranks Diplomacy
    1 Rank Tumble
    If +2 INT tome, put into Balance
    If +4 INT tome, how the heck did you get one before lvl 20? (do whatever you want)
    If more INT with 2nd TR, same as with +4 tome's notes
    Notes: The enhancements start at level 4 because I use veteran status. The max spent per level that I have posted is how much AP you have at the START of the level.
    Lvl 4~
    Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I (1AP) 1 spent
    Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation I (1AP) 2 spent
    Sorcerer Charisma I (2AP) 4 spent
    Sorcerer Improved Maximizing I (2AP) 6 spent
    Sorcerer Improved Empowering I (2AP) 8 spent
    Sorcerer Lineage of Elements I (1AP) 9 spent
    Sorcerer Energy Manipulation I (1AP) 10 spent
    Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation II (2AP) 12 spent/12
    Lvl 5~
    Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery I (1AP) 13 spent
    Sorcerer Lineage of Energy I (1AP) 14 spent
    Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II (2AP) 16 spent/16
    Lvl 6~
    Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements I (1AP) 17 spent/20
    Lvl 7~
    Sorcerer Charisma II (4AP) 21 spent
    Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation III (3AP) 24 spent/24
    Lvl 8~
    Sorcerer Lineage of Elements II (2AP) 26 spent/28
    Lvl 9~
    Drow Racial Toughness I (1AP) 27 spent/32
    Drow Racial Toughness II (2AP) 29 spent/32
    Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded III (3AP) 32 spent/32
    Lvl 10~
    Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements II (2AP) 34 spent/36
    Lvl 11~
    Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV (4AP) 38 spent/40
    Lvl 12~
    Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III (3AP) 41 spent/44
    Lvl 13~
    Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II (4AP) 45 spent
    Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III (3AP) 48 spent/48
    Lvl 14~
    Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded IV (4AP) 52 spent/52
    Lvl 15~
    Sorcerer Improved Spell Penetration I (2AP) 54 spent/56
    Lvl 16~
    Sorcerer Improved Spell Penetration II (4AP) 58 spent/60
    Lvl 17~
    Sorcerer Improved Heightening I (4AP) 62 spent
    Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery II (2AP) 64 spent/64
    Lvl 18~
    Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery III (3AP) 67 spent
    Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Energy I (1AP) 68 spent/68
    Lvl 19~
    nothing (0AP) 68 spent/72
    Lvl 20~
    Sorcerer Improved Spell Penetration III (6AP) 74 spent
    Sorcerer Bloodline of Power (2AP) 76 spent/76
    Maxed XP~
    Sorcerer Improved Empowering II (4AP) 80 spent - done

    *Condensed Enhancements*
    Sorcerer Bloodline of Power
    Sorcerer Charisma II
    Drow Racial Toughness II
    Sorcerer Improved Spell Penetration III
    Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery III
    Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II
    Sorcerer Improved Empowering II
    Sorcerer Improved Heightening I
    Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded IV
    Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
    Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
    Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III
    Sorcerer Energy Manipulation I
    Sorcerer Lineage of Energy I
    Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Energy I

    Work-in-Progress Spell List... I need help with the spells in red. (Made red for ease of viewing for those lazy people out there...)
    1st Level
    Niac's Cold Ray -> Tumble @ Level 9
    Expeditious Retreat -> Magic Missiles @ Level 7
    2nd Level
    Resist Energy
    Scorching Ray
    3rd Level
    Fireball -> Rage @ Level 14
    Frost Lance
    4th Level
    Dimension Door
    Fire Shield
    Wall of Fire
    5th Level
    Cone of Cold
    Ball Lightning
    Protection From Elements
    6th Level
    Greater Heroism
    Flesh to Stone/Chain Lightning
    (right now I'm thinking Chain Lightning)
    7th Level
    Delayed Blast Fireball
    Finger of Death
    Waves of Exhaustion/Otto's Sphere of Dancing
    (right now I'm thinking Sphere because it sounds like WoEx is getting nerfed soon)
    8th Level
    Polar Ray
    and 2 of:
    Incendiary Cloud; Horrid Wilting; Otto's Irresistible Dance; Charm Monster, Mass
    (right now I'm thinking Incendiary Cloud and Otto's)
    9th Level
    Meteor Swarm
    Wail of the Banshee
    Energy Drain/Hold Monster, Mass
    (right now I'm thinking 2nd option)
    I would like to hear ideas for any changes in enhancements and help with my spells. If there's still something wrong with my feats, tell me. Also, any other recommendations would be nice as long as they are somewhat related to what I'm trying to do with the build.
    Last edited by Xiadais; 10-04-2010 at 10:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    i would take toughness first. and then extend after that. you need the hp and extend is best at lower levels when the buffs don't last very long.
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  3. #3
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    i would take toughness first. and then extend after that. you need the hp and extend is best at lower levels when the buffs don't last very long.
    Wrong, sorry. Low levels are the easiest as a sorcerer; I was soloing almost everything without Toughness, and even a negative modifier on my constitution for a time (which is fixed now). Most low level content has little DC and are one-shotted, so one will not get hit as much. I did not start dying noticeably much until around level 10.

    Extend does not do anything for your level 1-2 buffs other than waste your SP. For the cost of this skill, you are losing SP because it is about the same as the base cost-- I would get it after something like Empower or Maximize. You're not going to be bothered much with buffing as it is. It's worth having eventually, because you can extend Wall of Fire or any other spell with a short duration.
    Toughness can come much later when you do need it. You're missing Spell Penetration, which is also something you need at high levels, and some people get Spell Focus (Necromancy or Enchantment usually). I got Mental Toughness for filler, and at least one of those is useful if you are using both Empower and Maximize.
    Personally, I found Improved Empowering more efficient than the critical-chance enhancements because I rather do 50% more damage all the time at reduced cost, than just a small amount of the time. I used that enhancement as a dump for the last 1 AP I had.

  4. #4
    Founder Varis's Avatar
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    pretty straight forward.

    I would dump the subtle spellcasting enhancement. As a good nuker you will want the aggro in order to herd them up for your area of effect spells.

    I understand that 8,10,14,12,8,20 is a popular build. Sadly, for skills there is nothing you need other then concentration and UMD. 12 (or 14 at 7th) int will be a waste.
    Play to the races strength and go 8,16,12,10,8,20 or at least do 10,10,14,10,8,20 for starting stats.

    IF you go dex then you wanna make use of it. A high dex will be AWESOME level 1-10 because simply going with a mage armor potion, shield spell, bark and shield potion will get you to 28 AC at 5th level (more if you're geared out of course)

    Mid levels its kinda useless although resisting doggy trips is always nice.

    At high levels elite and epic content, a good reflex will make a huge difference.
    Your 30 resist won't cut it anymore but if you save for half a lot, you will manage even extreme situations with ease (epic dragon soloing the base with all the fire elementals and the efreet. You can just polar ray the efreet and ignore the elementals while the cleric that was suppost to heal you now takes up a inventory slot)

    I played a dex drow sorc since mod 3 and TRed into a dex sorc twice... I have loved and still love every minute of it. Just make sure you never ever neglect hit points. Having a great reflex save is not a substitute for hit points, it's a defense "in addition to" hit points.
    Roa - Fernian Nuker

  5. #5
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    So swap extend and toughness? I understand that subtle spellcasting is terrible, but there was nothing else to fill in the slots with. (minimum AP spent for other enhancements.)

    On my level 9 sorc somewhat following this build, I find myself crit-ing quite a bit, I usually only use maximize and empower on bosses and tough enemies, and I haven't had any problems dying yet. I also tend to hand out extended blur to everyone and not worrying about re-buffing is nice (for me).

    As far as the 12 int goes, I find myself using diplomacy quite a bit. So I want ranks into diplomacy. I realize that having 10 str is probably a good idea, but I don't want to sacrifice my 2 points in int or any con. If someone could explain more about how different stat distributions perform, that would be nice.

    Should I put a rank into tumble just so I can use it?
    Is diplomacy really not worth it for a sorcerer?
    Would balance be a good idea if diplomacy isn't?

    Is there anything else with similar AP costs to subtle spellcasting that I could use to fill gaps for required AP in other enhancements?

    Should toughness and extend be swapped in my feats?
    I am deliberately avoiding spells with SR, because I don't want to take the spell penetration feats.
    I'll try to come up with a spell list soon. That would help with decisions too.
    So far, I am debating between mental toughness and evocation focus. Almost all of my spells are evocation or buffs, and while I realize that sorcs have quite enough SP already, I still want more to maximize my effectiveness. If there are any other good feats as a nuker sorc with no CC and almost nothing with SR, please tell me.

  6. #6
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    I agree with the advice about your con. Again probably the minority here, but to go to 14 con takes a lot of build points and is not an efficient way to play to a Drow's strengths. For a Drow this only amounts to 20 points end game and a bonus to fort save. Depending on what you want to do, you can put those 4 points into Str, Dex, Int, and/or Wis for up to a +2 bonus.

    Intel has its uses too. Its nice to have a good move silent (dex skill) to augment your invisibility hidden ability. This can be crucial skill when solo'n quests (especially important high level quests). Other important skills include balance, jump, diplomacy, intimidate, spot, and hide to name a few. Depending on your play style placing points into one or more of these can help you a lot.

    In bastion for example a good move silent is key to quickly solo'n. You will need to perhaps run this quest many times (20 or more) before you get that all important Tevlis sash. It's not always easy to find a group for it and running on casual is a poor idea. This item will instantly make your caster uber.

    As for spell pen, I would never short a typical Drow caster of it. You will perform poorly on a lot of spells. Plus if you do intend to use diplomacy, typically, the spells that synergise well with that skill all can be spell resisted. You can have a very high DC as a Drow. Augment this with an appropriately high spell pen for best performance. Before you ever consider not using spell penetration you need to have a very solid understanding of sorcerers, spell casting, enemy mobs, and quests.
    Last edited by tinyelvis; 08-31-2010 at 12:50 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xiadais View Post
    So swap extend and toughness? I understand that subtle spellcasting is terrible, but there was nothing else to fill in the slots with. (minimum AP spent for other enhancements.)

    On my level 9 sorc somewhat following this build, I find myself crit-ing quite a bit, I usually only use maximize and empower on bosses and tough enemies, and I haven't had any problems dying yet. I also tend to hand out extended blur to everyone and not worrying about re-buffing is nice (for me).

    As far as the 12 int goes, I find myself using diplomacy quite a bit. So I want ranks into diplomacy. I realize that having 10 str is probably a good idea, but I don't want to sacrifice my 2 points in int or any con. If someone could explain more about how different stat distributions perform, that would be nice.

    Should I put a rank into tumble just so I can use it?
    Is diplomacy really not worth it for a sorcerer?
    Would balance be a good idea if diplomacy isn't?

    Is there anything else with similar AP costs to subtle spellcasting that I could use to fill gaps for required AP in other enhancements?

    Should toughness and extend be swapped in my feats?
    I am deliberately avoiding spells with SR, because I don't want to take the spell penetration feats.
    I'll try to come up with a spell list soon. That would help with decisions too.
    So far, I am debating between mental toughness and evocation focus. Almost all of my spells are evocation or buffs, and while I realize that sorcs have quite enough SP already, I still want more to maximize my effectiveness. If there are any other good feats as a nuker sorc with no CC and almost nothing with SR, please tell me.
    Yes, absolutely need spell pen feats to use Firewall which is most useful spell more or less. Makes leveling up in undead heavy content a breeze. Also very useful for Epic content where no other spell will do the trick.

    Yes, you need some insta-death and CC spells, don't go without them. You can still be the nuker that you want to be while having these spells handy so that people in your party won't hate you.
    Some quests, like let sleeping dust lie, cannot be completed unless you have a specific spell. Let Sleeping Dust Lie, has a 1 enemy and 5 hostiles that you aren't allowed to kill in each encounter. If you want to do this quest then you need finger of death to take out the single enemy so the others will no longer be hostile. No nuking spell can effectively single out this single enemy without hitting one of the others. If you choose to go the "pure nuker" path then you won't be able to do this quest unless you go with others who can and just buff them and sit back.
    Crowd Control is the same, there are some crowd control spells that you simply have to have. Ottos irrestible dance and sphere of dancing are just much to useful not to take.

    Few concerns:
    Nuker: a nuker can never have enough SP to continuously cast no SR spells and keep up with DPS of melee types. The best DPS spell is firewall which has an SR check and so you will want those spell penetration feats or at least one of them. The problem is that it is easy to have good DPS as a sorc while still being able to use some very handy CC spells. I would suggest concentrating on a more balanced sorcerer approach which can focus on nuking if that is what you want to do but will still be able to have the versatility that you need to solo or play in a group.

    Fire/cold: Don't limit yourself to just 2 energy types, there is enough enemies in the game that are immune to fire and cold to make this a bad idea. Invest a couple of points into acid/electricity and keep at least 1 acid and 1 lightning spell prepped for when it is useful. Oozes, blackbone skeletons etc, really benefit from having acid blast or chain lightning. Also, before level 8 when you get firewall its better to be specced as acid/lightning sorcerer to maximise DPS against oozes.

    Drow: drow is a bad choice imo for a sorcerer. To my understanding in the current state of the game human and drow can gain the same modifier on their charisma but the human is much better as has a lot of extra HP. Therefore, human for maximum DCs with good HP or WF are the best choices for sorcerer. As a nuking drow sorcerer you simply wouldn't have enough HP to survive the aggro you will get.

    Skills: i like having extra skill points as a sorcerer, 1 rank in tumble, some balance, some intimidate are quite useful. Intimidate lets you pull mobs into your firewalls when the annoying melee characters are too dumb too. UMD and concentration are obvious.

    Feats: (in order) toughness, maximise, empower, extend, heighten, spell penetration, greater spell penetration. If human ... 1 more, enlarge?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulaeon View Post
    Extend does not do anything for your level 1-2 buffs other than waste your SP. For the cost of this skill, you are losing SP because it is about the same as the base cost-- I would get it after something like Empower or Maximize. You're not going to be bothered much with buffing as it is. It's worth having eventually, because you can extend Wall of Fire or any other spell with a short duration.
    I'm not going to argue the wisdom of taking extend early or not. It's pretty much up to personal preference. However, I will say that extend is only SP inefficient if you would have come across a shrine before the spells duration without extend would have worn off. Otherwise, extend is break-even with level 1 spells, and an sp gain on 2 to 9.

    I will also add that if you cast haste unextended you will be laughed at.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xiadais View Post

    1st Level
    Niac's Cold Ray -> Detect Secret Doors @ Level 9?
    Expeditious Retreat -> Merfolk's Blessing @ Level 7?
    Jump and Nightshield are for sure, detect secret doors and merfolks could be replaced by tumble and feather fall partially or fully, I'm undecided

    2nd Level
    Invisibility, Knock, Melf's Acid Arrow
    Resist Energy
    Scorching Ray

    3rd Level
    Fireball -> Water Breathing/Rage
    Frost Lance -> the other of Water Breathing and Rage, if I get rid of it

    4th Level
    Dimension Door/Force Missiles
    Fire Shield
    Wall of Fire

    5th Level
    Cone of Cold
    Ball Lightning
    Cloudkill -> Prismatic Ray? or do I even need to swap it out because of incendiary cloud?
    Protection From Elements?

    6th Level
    Flesh to Stone/Chain Lightning
    Greater Heroism

    7th Level
    Delayed Blast Fireball
    Finger of Death
    Greater Teleport/Protection from Elements, Mass

    8th Level
    Polar Ray
    Otto's Irresistible Dance/Incendiary Cloud
    Horrid Wilting

    9th Level
    Meteor Swarm
    Wail of the Banshee
    Summon Monster IX??? is there anything better?
    Okay - spells. There are some absolute musts, some very nice to have spells, and then a few spells slots that will be personal preference.

    1st level:
    Jump: (must - this is how you are going to help avoid getting hit while you burn everything down...!)
    Nightshield: (must - there are enough mobs in DDO with magic missile/force missiles that this is essential)
    Magic Missile: (Very nice to have. Unlike a lot of spells, magic missile will hit the creature you have targeted. This is important when you are pulling monsters in the Shroud and many other places. Most other spells will either have a chance to miss - i.e. the creature moves, or will do splash/area damage in which you might get more than just the creature you are trying to pull)
    Open slot: I personally like Tumble as I like to put on a tumble item and flip around. Very little practical use, so really anything else here. Here are a few spells that aren't as necessary at higher levels as you will most likely get the benefit off of an item, etc: Merfolk blessing - just carry an underwater action item and switch. Feather Fall - you will most likely have an item for this, but a good argument can be made to keep this spell. Detect secret doors - there are items with clickies of this that are each to get/buy, and later on you will most likely carry True Seeing scrolls as a helpful buff and True Seeing will cover your bases with hidden doors/etc.

    2nd Level:
    Resist Energy: (must. At level 11 you can cast resist to fire/cold/electric/acid/sonic for 30 points each. The effect lasts as long as the spell is active)
    Blur: (highly desirable. Great to help buff your party or yourself. Displacement is nice because it is 50% chance to miss vs. Blur's 20%, but Blur lasts for 1 minute per caster level, and Displacement lasts for 6 seconds per caster level). I usually always run with Blur on and put Displacement on when needed. Great buff for the melee in your party.
    Scorching Ray: (highly desirable. This spell along with fireball or delayed blast fireball (and Meteor Swarm) make a great set of fire spells that can be cast one quickly after the other for massive/quick damage.)
    Web: (highly desirable. This spell is great early on, loses it's usefulness in mid-end game, but shines in Epic when combined with Heighten)
    Knock: (highly desirable. This has become my new favorite lvl 2 spell as I like to solo a lot and opening chests that you would normally need a rogue/rogue skills for is great!)
    Invisibility: (not needed. You will be able to use scrolls for this, and mass invisibility scrolls for your entire party. Sorcerers have such few spell options per level that anywhere you can use a scroll just as effectively, you are better of picking spells that you can't get the same benefit from a scroll.)

    Level 3:
    Haste: (Duh - required! Run fast, attack fast, etc. Enough said!)
    Displacement: (Highly desirable. This one will save your bacon more times than not. Doesn't last long (same duration as Haste, so good to cast together). Great spell!)
    Frost Lance: (highly desirable. This one is a lot like Scorching Ray - great damage and works well when combined with Polar Ray and Cone of Cold for an all out cold attack.)
    Rage: (highly desirable. AC doesn't matter to you as a caster. Adding 20hp at level 20 is pretty awesome. Great for buffing the melee in your party, but be sure to ask if anyone doesn't want it as it will lower AC. Barbarians will love you for it!)
    Protection from Energy: (skip. Get the Protection from Elements at level 5 and get 120 points of elemental damage reducing for a few extra SP vs casting this spell just once.)

    Level 4:
    Wall of Fire: (must! Best spell for damage in the game. Useful from the first moment you get it up through Epic)
    Fire Shield: (highly desirable. This is great throughout the life of the caster in DDO.)
    Dimension Door: (highly desirable. You can get scrolls of this, but they cost a lot on the AH and the spell is just too useful to not have.)
    Stoneskin: (highly desirable. You can use wands instead, but they are only 1/2 as effective - 60pt vs 120pt.)
    Phantasmal Killer: (good. A lot of fun to use early on, but dump it once you get Finger of Death at level 7. PK has 2 saves for it while FoD only has 1.)

    Level 5:
    Cone of Cold: (must! Not a great as Wall of Fire as it doesn't last, but the area of effect is very nice and is a great spell with Frost Lance and Polar Ray.)
    Protection from Elements: (must! 120pts of damage reduction from fire/cold/electric/acid/sonic. Kicks butt)
    Cloudkill: (nice to have. This used to be one of the best spells, but with the changes to stat damage about a year ago, this is still a good spell for concealment and the stat damage to con does help)
    Waves of Fatigue: (nice to have. In higher end content where a sorc/caster can't just blast their way through everything - Amrath and Epic currently - as debuffs that you can through on a boss will help your party melee take 'em down quicker)

    Level 6:
    Disintegrate: (must! I can't believe I went without this recently on my TR'd sorc. When no other damage will get through, this will!)
    Flesh to Stone: (very nice to have. Great for specific quests - ToD, Let Sleeping Dust Lie, etc.)
    Greater Heroism: (very nice to have. This can be cast from a scroll. The scroll will last for 11 minutes while the spell is 1 min per caster level. Truly personal preference)
    Reconstruct: (very nice to have. If you are WF (and I know you are not) this is a must. For running raids, etc. this is handy to have to help heal the WF melee. Again - personal preference)
    Chain Lightning: (very nice to have. Just started using this one and it is a lot of fun. If they fix Acid Fog, I'd be hard pressed to choose between these two)

    Level 7:
    Finger of Death: (must! This is probably the most overpowerd spell in the game. Truly awesome in mid level to end. Won't work well in Amrath or Epic)
    Delayed Blast Fireball: (must! This will replace Fireball from level 3. Does great damage and is one of the musts for true nukers)
    Symbol of Stunning: (very nice to have. This is an impressive spell. Does a great job stunning stuff in all quests - though I haven't tried it in Epic yet.)
    Otto's Sphere of Danching: (very nice to have. Great crowd control. Starts to lose its' lustre in Amrath and beyond.)
    Waves of Exhaustion: (very nice to have. Just like Waves of Fatigue, this is great for debuffing bosses, etc)
    Greater Teleport: (use a scroll. You won't go through these scrolls very fast unlike Teleport. No real reason to use a precious spell slot for it)
    Protection from Elements, Mass: (very nice to have. I personally don't run with this as I'd rather let the cleric/FvS provide this one. If I have to use the single version of this spell on my party to buff - no big deal - I'm a sorc - I have 3,000sp!)

    Level 8:
    Polar Ray: (must! This is one of the best overall damage spells in the game. On fire creatures I can hit in the high 2,000's.)
    Otto's Irresistible Dance: (must! So useful to help control agro in high end content. Works great in epic too!)
    Incendiary Cloud: (very good to have. Does fire damage and slows stuff down. Very fun combo with a firewall in the middle!)

    Level 9:
    Wail of the Banshee: (must! If you thought Finger of Death was cool - this is a local area of affect FoD, but 2 levels higher DC)
    Meteor Swarm: (very nice to have. Great bludgeon and fire damage. When combined with Scorching Ray and Delayed Blast Fireball, not must you can't kill that is affected by fire)
    Level Drain: (must! Great to help land Flesh to Stone and FoD for high level creatures in high level content)
    Hold Moster, Mass: (very good to have. Works great, but haven't had must experience with it in epic so far.)

    There are a lot of spells and spell areas that I haven't tried and don't bother with. What I listed above are what I use on my 2 capped Sorcs for all content including epic.

    I hope this helps!
    «Castielle» (Sorc) ??* Embyrr (Sorc) ??* «Serreniti» (Wiz) ??* Knuttz (Sorc) ??* Castiel (Wiz) ??* Sakarra (Bard) ??* Sakara (Bard) ??* Callistto (Bard)
    ??* Chaaos (FvS) ??* Serrenity (Cleric) ??* Vorpel (Batman) ??* Sylverr (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyx (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyxx (Pal) ??* Trainquill (Monk)

  10. #10
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    Thanks for telling me a little more about how necessary some spells are. I edited my spell list. I would still like to know what I should do for my last 3 feats and if there are any more enhancement/spell changes to be made. Keep on looking back at my first post to see what I want to know. Also, if anyone else can help me that would be great.
    Last edited by Xiadais; 09-05-2010 at 10:34 AM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    I changed around some of my enhancements, replacing subtle spellcasting and concentration with acid/elec stuff. I also put in improved heightening I instead of.... I don't even remember what I took out, it was that bad. I decided that I AM going to take heightening for CoC, frost lance, ball lightning, and all of the other stuff with saves. However, I don't know where I am going to place it since I don't know what levels my other two undecided feats need to go in. It would be nice if someone would evaluate my spell list to:
    1. Help me with my undecided ones,

    2. Tell me if it's worth it to take spell pen with so few spells with SR, and
    3. Tell me which feats would be appropriate for the spell list.

    I still need help!

  12. #12
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    I changed some things in my first post, such as editing the spell list, adding a condensed enhancement list, and tweaking a few other things. I still want help with my feat choices, spell list, and enhancements, though.

  13. #13
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Is there anyone out there who is willing to help me? I had lots of help, but I still need more, and suddenly the help has all disappeared...

  14. #14
    Community Member Nephilia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xiadais View Post
    I changed some things in my first post, such as editing the spell list, adding a condensed enhancement list, and tweaking a few other things. I still want help with my feat choices, spell list, and enhancements, though.
    Can u post your enhancement as they are at moment? ^^

  15. #15
    Community Member Kepli_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    posting for reference
    Quote Originally Posted by MeliCat View Post
    Kepli_Moonshadow, you're DA MAN
    Ghallanda: Aryq (17(TR), RGR) Duurva (6 (TR), BARB)Xenafrae(19 PAL) Cyrindaa (20, ASSN)Ysiidra (13, WIZ) Pawlianna (12 BRD/RGR/FTR)

  16. #16
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    Don't I need to power up my heal scrolls and wands? Or does it not make much of a difference? I can remove it, but I don't exactly have anything I would put in instead of it.

    Comment on heightening enhancers: Hmm... I suppose it isn't too useful...

    On the SP enhancer comment: I don't want "a lot of SP" or "more SP than a wizard". I want "tons of SP" so I have my full potential as a fire/cold nuker. And right now, I don't think I'm short on AP.

    last comment: I am fully aware that a lot of things are immune to fire and/or cold. That is when I use other things. For the times where I can't use fire or cold I still have some acid/elec, but I really don't think it's worth it to waste AP on something I won't use much.

    I currently need help with my spell choices. I have pretty much everything else sorted out. Thanks for all the help I've gotten so far.

  17. #17
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    Throw your drow in the trash can.
    Make your sorc a WF.

  18. #18
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azcarim
    Throw your drow in the trash can.
    Make your sorc a WF.
    Last edited by Xiadais; 09-16-2010 at 10:42 PM.

  19. #19
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    Well then, I haven't really had time to look at my thread, but now I'm back. I would still like some help with spell selections. If anyone could be constructive by helping me with my spells (see first post) and by NOT telling me to be WF or to go for more enchantment or trying to inform me that "nukerz suck u shudint play them" that would be wonderful. I would forever be in your debt. (Not really, but it sounds nice =D)

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