My suggestion is for Stone Of Change binding ritual to make items BTA instead of BTC.
Note, I don't mean that it would a BTC item to become BTA.
BTA items could get rituals.

This suggested change is for 4 reasons.
1. Would help balance it a bit with something like the Risa games changes that does some significant upgrades (e.g. frost) without binding. The SoC rituals are fairly small (e.g. +1 damage is one of the best) in game terms.
2. Many components needed to do the rituals are hard to get (or very expensive on the AH).
3. BTA is already enough of a restrictions. No more selling on the AH.
4. Those that prefer running many low/medium alts amplifies reason 2, plus the usual BTC restriction would likely make the ritual nearly pointless.
This change would primarily benefit the newer player without lots of plat, and those with lots of alts.
This is not game changing as anyone with enough plat or if don't have multiple alts would likely already have done the rituals unless they wanted to sell the item on the AH.