Do the damage and critical boosts from the Pale Master enhancements stack with item boosts to negative energy? Or is it a highest bonus only? For instance, PM1 states: "deal 25% additional damage with negative energy spells, and have a 3% chance for negative energy spells to generate a critical result for 1.5 times the normal damage amount"

So, if I have a superior nullification item equipped, do I get 25% bonus from PM1 *and* 50% bonus for the item? Or just 50% from the item? The same question would go for critical chance and multiplier as well from a lore item.

2) As a more general question while I'm at it, do the Lineage and Manipulation enhancement lines stack with items of the same element?

3) When a spell has a max damage (Chill touch, for instance, states a max of 5d6), do the bonuses from enhancements and items still stack on top of this limit, or do they get cut off? I'm pretty sure the answer is that they stack, but figured I may as well confirm while I'm asking the questions.