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Thread: Improving PvP

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  1. #1
    Community Member CrescentCalling_5's Avatar
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    Jul 2010

    Default Improving PvP

    Just a note, if you can't bother to actually read my post all the way through before you shoot it down, don't post at all. I don't want to hear anyone who hasn't read and I doubt the other thousands of players want to hear your automatic no either. Thank you those who are polite enough to read through my suggestion

    I'd also like to list the following alterations to this idea considering what everyone else is saying:

    1. All PvP rewards should be PURELY cosmetic for bragging rights (emotes, emblems, dyes, etc.) and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can be traded, sold, or moved from character to character (no profit or other benefit except bragging rights).
    2. This should not be implemented until ALL prestige enhancements, base classes, and other planned PvE features are implemented (I said it below and I'll say it again).
    3. No changes will be made to PvE to accomodate PvP gameplay, that's unfair to people who do not PvP and like PvE the way it is.
    4. Some spells and abilities should be restricted in PvP gameplay ONLY, that means rule 3 is followed and some balances are enforced in PvP to make it fair.
    5. No Duelling System which is just annoying, at best a seperate duelling arena or no PvP at all outside of the arenas.
    6. To be continued if anyone else makes a valid point regarding PvP.

    Before I actually state my idea I'd like to make one thing clear first. If this gets implemented before ALL the prestige enhancements and races are in, balanced, and debugged the developers should remove them before I lead an angry mob to their hq :3
    So to the point, this is a suggestion for AFTER we have the content and races (half-orc, druid, all prestiges, etc.) shoved and balanced into the game.

    Edit as of 8/31/10 when I read a post, located on Page 7:

    I will only quote parts of it btw :P since it argues in favor of and against PvP. The full quote can be read on Page 7 of this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flyhalfer View Post
    So on that note, here is all that needs to be known and or done about making PvP better in DDO.

    Arenas are a poor venue for those who enjoy PvP.

    The only solution PvP needs in DDO is to make a copy of one outdoor adventure zone and enable it for PvP in the same way they enable the Arena’s for PvP. Since common areas are already load balanced, you use the same code to load balance the PvP zone.

    Don't worry at all about class balance.

    It would indeed be a waste of resources as no matter how finely tuned a game's PvP balance is there are always "The best" classes and builds and the "most gimp" classes and builds.

    and my way of removing the e-peen chat crud that is likely to appear from it (once again, only partially quoted):

    Quote Originally Posted by CrescentCalling_5 View Post
    I actually like your idea of PvP, it simply involves copying a single map (or a few maps), recoding a few parts of it, and leaving all the environmental effects in (for a bit of flavor). Low resource cost, low effort, me like

    I may have an idea how to remove some of the PvP chat with it:

    Make a PvP entrance area (not the tavern) that is completely seperate from the other chat channels. Removes the majority of the **** (and we all know that there are idiots who will go around bragging about their tavern brawls in DDO today, so a majority is all we really need xD)

    Also I'm adding in the following quote because it asked the question that was on my mind

    Quote Originally Posted by quickbunnie View Post
    I have a hypothetical question that I am curious about.

    Say Turbine did have an infinite amount of resources. Do the people who disagree with the OP still feel that no resources should be put towards PvP?

    3 qualifications to the above:
    1) PvP changes do not affect PvE gameplay
    2) Nothing can be earned in PvP beyond cosmetic/trophy style rewards. Certainly an e-peen stroker, but there is no character build advantage to PvP'ing.
    3) The focus of DDO remains PvE gameplay

    The impression that I get is that a decent number (up to perhaps a vast majority) of people feel that PvP does not belong in DDO. I guess I don't really understand this. The sentiment that PvP needs to be taken out of DDO seems odd to me. As with anything, it is only an option. If you hate it, there is a very simple solution of choosing not to participate.
    Last edited by CrescentCalling_5; 08-31-2010 at 11:12 PM.

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