I have a wizard I'll be TRing into a FvS almost immedietly after hitting 20. The character is a bit gimped on hp (elf con 10) but overall not doing to bad. I want to keep the offensive casting theme on him and I want the past life feat of the FvS for spell penetration when I TR him back to a wizard. I'm going to want a high wisdom for DC's on the FvS, but I'm also going to need some charisma. What would be a good balance between Wisdom and Charisma for an offensive casting FvS?
I'll also be able to take the past life feat wizard for a +1 to DC's. What spell casting school feats will I want to take as an FvS for increased DC's? Implosion is Evocation, so I'm thinking I might go with that for later levels, but not sure what else I should take in the way of increasing the DC.
I'm also thinking about going warforged for the extra HP, and with healing amps, heal should be enough when I'm able to cast it.
Any feedback or criticism is appreciated.