Pipboy, I wish you the best but I really needed to add my 2 cents. Every single person without fail has told you to forget AC. Not one person has stood up and said, "AC could work" Repeatedly people have said, forget AC. You will not avoid being hit. I have played monks, fighters, rogues, clerics, sorc, and paladin. Let me repeat what has been said several time in this thread. Give up on AC. The game doesn't suck just because your wizard cant have good AC. You are not listening or grasping the concept that beyond about level 7 your AC will mean absolutely nothing. NOTHING, as in, not a darn thing. Allow me to simplify, any work you put into AC will actually be a waste and will not cause you to be hit less. Picture this, you are level 12. YOU think 25 AC is neat. YOU might think 30AC is uber. EVERYONE else knows if you aren't at least 45 AC at level 12 in gianthold... Well, you just wasted your effort because you get hit every time a monster swings at you unless they roll a 1. IT IS THE WAY IT IS. Do you think we are all coming here lying to you? Do you think millions of builds and ideas havent been tested? I promise a high AC wizard build is not a new idea you just thought of. It doesn't exist because it cant be done. (for you it cant be done, dont get the idea that you can match the guys that have been playing for years)