Why has the relationship between ranged and melee combat been changed so much from 3.0 -3.5 rules?
In D&D pen and paper.
Single weapon 1 swing per 6 sec.
Ranged 1 shot per 6 sec. a feat (rapid shot) raised this to 2
Two-weapon 2 swings per 6 sec. (only if not moving)
I know that the developers "added swings" so that combat was more tactical. But why did they change the relation between ranged and melee so radically? Ranged combat with all feats is slower than swinging one weapon. If its play balance could it not be balanced by giving the MOBs the same ranged ability? Maybe add ranged knock downs or cripples to stop kiting. It just seems so different from how Pnp works for no good reason.