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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default New Weapon and Race

    It would be in the best interest of the designers of the game to include Morning Stars and Variations and Upgrades of the said Item. Show them Spin and Bounce as they Hit your Foe and add a Blast of fire or other affect to really liven up the battle.
    Include it in the Exotic Weapons Area and have it Restricted to be Used by Dwarfs and Humans Only m/b War Forged.
    The Toon Must have the Proficiency or Race to Use these Weapons.

    To Liven up the Game Even More Introduce the Minitor Race. Enable them to go to the mainland into the Game with there own attributes and abilities. Have them start on an island and compete on there own quests to enable them to be Qualified to go to the Main Land. D&D does have there abilites etc. in there books.

  2. #2


    Suggestion. Brush up on your knowledge of weapons and base DnD rules.
    in other words, we have morning stars in the game already.
    A flail is what you were asking for. As of such, adding in nunchucks (monk weapon) would also be advised.

    Flails are a martial weapon and as such are available to all races. Proficient is not required to use any weapon. You may just take penalties if you are not proficient.

    I disagree that minotaurs should have their own starter quest set. That would in tale too much work for too little gain. However, having minotaurs as a playable race would be fun.

  3. #3
    Community Member ArchStriker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Minotaur??? Seriously I dont like the looks of that, a 12ft character lol +2 str and prob con too, sounds like the zergers win again...-sigh-
    waka flaka flame ina unda wata tank

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