Too all of you Deadliest Warrior Fans out there.... Tuesday's episode with Vlad.... BEST SWORD YET!! This thing was freakin AWESOME!!!
The BEST Sword yet-Kilij
Too all of you Deadliest Warrior Fans out there.... Tuesday's episode with Vlad.... BEST SWORD YET!! This thing was freakin AWESOME!!!
The BEST Sword yet-Kilij
Minstral of Mayhem
Aces over Kings
I liked the opponents comment after the carnage.
Dude - "B-B-But there's no technique just hack and slash"
Geoff - "Yea, but isn't that the point."
Dude - "I've got something that will deflect that."
Geoff - "I'd like to see that."
I love that it's pronounced "KILLage" only "PWNage" would be better.
Love that show. I don't think they really rate things well all the time but it's cool seeing the weapons in action.
Thanks for the link.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
Love the show...Unfortunately the weapon/armor is only as good as the person doing the testing. Is the Archer having a Bad day? Did the Brute have too much to drink the night before? There are a lot of things they can't account for... But all in all.... a Great show... and the like I posted...the best sword yet!
Minstral of Mayhem
Aces over Kings
Yea. Formation fighters take a hose on that show to.
There's a funny bit where Charlie Brooker is poking a little fun at the concept of the IRA and the Taliban squaring of in a parking lot.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
Yeah.. unfortunately... they're Testing the Deadliness of a Weapon... and not the effectiveness of the Group. And there it comes down to the effectveness of the person weilding the Weapon.
I'd love to see an few episodes where they pit Army-v-Army. Of course, I'd really only want to see the Older armies...
Another one I'd like to see.... The Gunfighter go one on one vs all the Modern day gun people... Pistol Speed and Accuracy. THAT guy had it all happening on that episode!!
Minstral of Mayhem
Aces over Kings
I love that show, and I would've liked to see the Killage vs. 3 pigs like they
did with the Katana instead of 1, Bet it would have handled all 3.
(And dude only used 1 hand to swing it! Katana guy used two)
But whats up with that steel winch crossbow the Vlad team was using, I
thought that those things were supposed to be straight up armor piercing?
I've seen tests of those on other shows that were wicked, but that one
was LAME. Must have been something wrong with it, cause there's no way
that repeating x-bow with a wooden cross arm could have the same
+1 for a great reference to an awesome show Rav'n.
Have a good one!
*** Siggur...20 / Gallifar...20 / Valachieri...20 / Mattux...20 / Korrosion...20 / Mordakhai...20 / Soulsquasher...12 ***
Awesome show, i dont like the deadliest warrior battle system is messed up its more like the deadliest weapon, Still great show and the sword was freaking awesome. It slashed through the meat. SunTzu's sword was a slashing weapon though, thats why it didnt work.
waka flaka flame ina unda wata tank
I like the show...
But I do have a problem with some of the testing...
All too many times it is apples and oranges...
Like in the episode of Say... Al Capone and Jesse James...
Really, a stilletto against a Bowie knife?
No Al don't play that, in a stand up fight
he would have brought a louisville Slugger!
And what about his .45?
Or his pump shotgun!?
Al Capone would have brought his best weapons.
Why didn't they?
I give full credit to Jessie James
but sometimes I think the guys stomping
for their chosen mythos really sell them selves short.
The one with the roman Centuion and the Cartel are prime
examples... The Scorpion is a SIEGE WEAPON why the... Heck!
Would you bring THAT to a one on one Confrontation!?
And the Centurion Captains wore Banded Mail!!!
I mean... Really!? Here is the kicker...
They Showed a Captain WEARING IT in the description movie...
How well would their weapon have done against that!?
They really need to look at their strategy when they do the
testing, they should compare similar weapon types when possible.
Both the Celtic warrior and the Persian had spears.
Why didn't they go Spear versus Spear...
And why let someone bring a weapon designed solely to
instill fear... (Silenced Mac 10- Cartel) (Stilleto- Al Capone)
into a fight where it doesn't belong... Al Capone would have brought
a Ball bat. The Cartel... They also used Ak 47's, and M-16's
The Green Berets verus Spetznatz... I think the Spetznatz
might have won, But only because of how they train and not
the Ballistic knife. ( An E-Tool!? Really!?)
How about the M203 40mm Grenade launcher under the barrel
on EVERY fireteam leaders weapon!? And I believe the Green Berets
also use a Semi automatic Shotgun now.
Yeah there is a LOT of inconsistancies on that show...
Sorry for the Rant but I think they really need to look at their
Testing, and they need to brief the "Contestants" a little better...
I think it is a disservice to allow them to bring siege wepons
in to a game where it is one on one. I think that is unfair
to the competitors.
Last edited by Bekki; 07-08-2010 at 08:24 AM.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Holy ****!
He cut that thing in 1/2 WITH ONE HAND!!!!
nice sword.. wish we had it in the game
Ghallanda Guild Keepers of the Asylum & Plague -[ Beowulfs 14 fighter/3 pal / 3rog Drow]