I'd bet a beer that the topic creator's IP matches Mystera's IP address.
Nice try! But fail!
I'd bet a beer that the topic creator's IP matches Mystera's IP address.
Nice try! But fail!
* Flaws - Flawranga - Flawless - Godlike - Think Tank - Doppelganger *
Yeah the trade channel ****es me off. I am always posting will cyber for large ingredients and you wouldn't believe the annoying responses I get. "I would rather cyber with the internet is tubes guy' gets you straight to my squelch list. Why can't people just ignore what I type if they don't like my offer????
Snuffles - lvl 20 fighter - Platinum Knights on Cannith
This is outright false. No such obligation exists, outside of the construct that you're trying to enforce upon others.
I'm vaguely sorry that this does not mesh with your expectations vis-a-vis the rules, the community, and the game, but Hokiewa addressed this very succinctly.
If you cannot, will not accept that you are, in the context of your interactions with the community, subject to commentary and criticism by other individuals in said community (note: separate from stalking and harassment), then public chat of any sort is not for you.
If I were to win this beer from you, what would it be worth to you to get it back?
Last edited by Zeruell; 06-24-2010 at 07:43 PM.
clearly not the game for you, go back to diablo 2.
* dizzy - fizzle - rofluppagus * - loot - cannith
I think some of you might be missing my point here. Ive already stated that general dislike of my prices or advertisements is acceptably ok and proper in the public chat channels. Its the tards who keep sending tells and start calling the advertiser names or cussin at them that I have a problem with here. I have no problem with someone saying in general chat that they dont like my prices... however I do have a problem with people cussing and inferring what sexual orientation i am a fan of based on the prices of my items i sell... Those people DO HAVE THE OBLIGATION to shut up and keep their comments to themselves. It is policy to not harrass another player. That clearly violates that policy...
Your problem lies twofold.
If you post something in a public area, you open yourself to the scrutiny of the community as a whole.
If you are posting inflated prices for junk items/vendor trash and getting upset about negative responses, shame on you.
I am usually too busy playing the game to be bothered with most of what goes on in the trade channel. However, I have chosen to intervene on numerous occasions to date when someone tries to sell junk/vendor trash at outrageous prices to players who don't know any better. I'm also one who will call people who do this out for all to see.
Just today; before logging out and reading these forums, I made it a point to take to task someone trying to sell cure serious wound wands for 1,800 plat apiece. Funny how if you don't have any skill points in haggle you can still buy one from the vendor in House J for 2/3 of that cost roughly. That's the kind of bs not needed in the chat channels imo.
Incidentally, taking bad dealers to task can be done without expletives. You can't realistically expect someone to be disciplined or banned for not agreeing with you. It just won't happen... ever.
Not in this thread. You've done a first-rate job of making it very plain: that you expect no one to have anything at all to say with respect to your trade propositions, unless they are accepting them up front.
Review the thread. No one is defending the types that will hound you with obscenity and dreck -- it's a given that they're deserving of a /squelch. You've come down hard against any sort of feedback, and in a game with a strong sense of community, that simply isn't reasonable.
It may not have been your original intent to put the matter in such absolutist terms, but that was certainly the argument detailed, and that's why you're seeing so many raised objections in place of the support you had hoped for.
Last edited by Zeruell; 06-25-2010 at 09:57 AM.
So are you saying it's ok to complain about your prices in the trade channel, but not ok to send you a tell complaining about your prices? I'd prefer someone to call me out in a tell instead of in public but whatever. Your main point in your first post was people complaining about your pricing in tells. Now you are saying it's name calling? You don't mention that in your first post. Well you mention ragetells but don't get into detail about them. That would lead me to believe your biggest gripe is people having an issue with your pricing. Have another angle you'd like to try?
Have a nice day.
Vua what im saying is if you state comments like "I dont agree with your price, its too high!" then that is fine, but if you send me a tell calling me a "mutha F%$%#@@ Hom%", i take issue with it...
You have no comprehention of my posts vua. I refer you to post numbers 1,9,12... where i state my case against people sending me INSULTS, NASTY TELLS and RAGETELLS.. in post 9 I talk about HARRASSMENT AND DEROGATORY COMMENTS, and in post 12 i talk about FOUL AND DEROGATORY LANGUAGE. Apparently I need to be more clear then posting about it 7-10 times... so try this angle... angle the door open and dont let it hit you on the way out...
Have a nice Day!
to zeruall,
i am not taking issue with poeple who simply just state they disagree... i take issue as mentioned above with the jerks sending hate tells or other derogatory tells to me about my prices... my first post states it clearly... once again.
to taurean430
your problem lies twofold...
1) it is a public channel created and overseen by DDO not the constitution of the U.S. DDO moderates the language and harrasssment policy, community or not, harrassment is not tolerated.
2)If i post my prices to infinity or beyond, i refer you to problem number 1, you have no right to harrass me about it. and second, its none of your business, nor is it your obligation to dictate what I sell my items for...
you have the right to say you disagree or think they are too high, by all means, say so if you want to, just dont send me snyde remarks, ragetells, or nasty messages about it, as it is harassment.
Actually, you couldn't be more wrong about that. If someone schooled you for putting up worthless vendor trash for exorbitant prices, good for them.
However, I'm not a fan of cursing at anyone. It's tactless and speaks to low intelligence. That said there is nothing in the EULA that states that you can't call someone out in public trade channel for trying to rip people off.
It's really that simple.
Adjust your prices, or maybe get a clue... if this is happening to you repeatedly you've effectively lost the ability to blame others. What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
That said, If you've received tells/public responses from any of my toons on Khyber (which I doubt), you'd be hard pressed to find anything at all that's reportable/punishable/bannable. But they sting just the same as if I did.
I never mentioned posts 9 or 12, I said your first post. It does not mention hate tells, it strictly talks about pricing. I'd mention reading comprehension, but since you are the one that posted that, it's way beyond a comprehension problem. Either way, enjoy your stay here.
Have a nice evening too.
I reserve the right to actively heckle and or call out anyone posting items to the trade channel asking stupid prices for vendor trash.
Community Member
Let it go OP. You posted a threatening/trollish post, then continued your claims that you know what "obligation", "EULA", "TOS" etc....mean. Trust me, you don't. Threatening to "report", "ban" etc etc....I'm sorry to shatter your impression, you don't control that. Snide comments are the norm, not a reportable offense.
Just quit whining here and in game, yes I know who you are in game. It's old, get over it
Last edited by Hokiewa; 06-27-2010 at 06:12 PM.
Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?
Community Member
decades of internet usage later watching someone rage in a forum is still funny.
Please dont stop.
My only problem with the trade channel is the clueless ones trying to sell +1-3 trash gear there they never get the clue the stuff is worthless wish it was like swg was for while and we had wardens who could temporarly squelch people from spamming enjoyed taking away peoples ability to broadcast in chat.
Beware the Sleepeater
hmmm somehow some posts were deleted here...anywaysVua, i refer you to post NUMBER 1where i state i recieved nasty lil tells, insults, snyde comments and talked about ragetells... now on with the problem here... dont know what else to tell you there bub... you can either read it or not.
Im not trying to be rude here, but I really dont care if you know who I am in game or not, its a moot point. And I will not just let it go, thats like asking the rightfully elected president to step down simply cuz the loser asked him to and wants to be the president instead... it aint gonna happen. If you want me to post the EULA section on harrassment I can, but basically it states that any profane language, racial remarks, or hateful language is considered harrassment as is sending tells to a person after they have warned you to stop contacting them ( admitidly, the second part is open for slight interpretation by whoever the current DM is dealing with the situation). It is EVERYONES obligation to abide by those rules or you are subject to whatever disciplinary actions DDO wants, states or is willing to infer upon you. And I have every right to report anyone i feel is breaking those rules with me.
who is raging here? there is a difference between someone going bonkers out of their minds with anger, and someone witfully posting their opinions etc..
I agree with you, that was one thing SWG did that was good, they took care of the people out there spamming and causing problems in the general chat. it was sooooo annoying seeing "Goto www.whatever.com, we have the lowest prices on credits!!" every 2 seconds...