I know where to find them in DDO, duh.
What I don't know is in which of the Eberron supplements their write-ups are located.
Any help?
Those creatures represent a generic demon bruiser and, like the Tharak Hound, are not yet published for D&D.
It has been suggested that Turbine publish a promotional blurb with D&D stat blocks for those creatures, as well as Doomsphere, Wildman, and certain Quori.
I think DDO's the only place - they're made up.
At least that's what I heard. It wouldn't be too hard to create them though. In PnP, it would probably be best to classify them like elementals: Lesser, Greater, etc. Many of their attacks and abilities are quite easy to see as well. They're outsiders, demons, I would even say, but not Tanari'i (sp?). Of course: Chaotic evil, DR: Good+Cold iron. The amount will vary depending on the tier of demon.
Flesh Renders: Attacks: Red. A high damaging attack. Treat like normal.
Spell like abilities: Inflict, Harm, etc. Type of spell and n/day varies by tier.
Add in a DoT abilities as well.
Fire Reavers: Attacks: Claw/Gore. Up to you which one.
Spell like abilities: Fire Storm/Flame Strike. Type of spell and n/day varies by tier.
Special Abilities: Fire Projection: A wave of fire deals nd6 damage, straight line ranged attack.
Ice Reavers: Attacks: Claw/Gore. Up to you which one.
Special Abilities: Ice shards. Treat the ground around the ability as covered in ice. Also randomly spawn caltrop like things, which deal both cold and pierce damage.
THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1