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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Squishy Drow Sorcerer

    Hello, i was GIMPED Human sorcerer ( 160 hp at lvl see what i mean), so i LR'd to fix that, i now have 332 hp! But it seems to me that every drow sorcerer i meet have under 250 can they have about 80 less hp than me..they only lose 2 CON no?

  2. #2
    Community Member rossiza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonman59 View Post
    Hello, i was GIMPED Human sorcerer ( 160 hp at lvl see what i mean), so i LR'd to fix that, i now have 332 hp! But it seems to me that every drow sorcerer i meet have under 250 can they have about 80 less hp than me..they only lose 2 CON no?
    The character creation needs big red flashing text, "CON IS NOT A DUMP STAT".. its not a drow thing, its a character thing. Point is you fixed your HP, and had to respec to do so, your class was fine your build was not. At some point the sorc's you refer too will realise CON/HP is important.
    Last edited by rossiza; 05-05-2010 at 12:02 PM. Reason: spelling
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  3. #3
    Founder Varis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossiza View Post
    The character creation needs big red flashing text, "CON IS NOT A DUMP STAT".. its not a drow thing, its a character thing. Point is you fixed your HP, and had to respec to do so, your class was fine your build was not. At some point the sorc's you refer too will realise CON/HP is important.
    even 12 con is fine on a drow... play to each classes strength

    a drow is built to have some dex +2 from creation and another +2 accessible via enhancements. So make use of it.... get your dex up to compensate for a few less HP by making the save vs DBF or chain lighting.

    Humans can get good hp AND decent reflex save.

    warforged can't make a ref save worth ****.. but they got the most hit points and have self healing to compensate.

    250 hit points at 20th is not very good but for what? farming shroud, vod and hound certainly dont need a ton of HP.

    Epic and elite stuff is a different story but for that you need really good gear anyways.
    Roa - Fernian Nuker

  4. #4
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varis View Post
    250 hit points at 20th is not very good but for what? farming shroud, vod and hound certainly dont need a ton of HP.

    Epic and elite stuff is a different story but for that you need really good gear anyways.
    That will make a friend of mine really happy to hear.........the "unofficial" rule of thumb among a certain group on our server says you have to have 350+ on a caster to get into a shroud raid. Glad to hear that is not the case from one of the most respected authorities on Sorc's.

  5. #5
    Community Member shagath's Avatar
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    If my drow sorc can have 320hp+rage+gh at lvl20 with base con of 12(now 13 with tr) and no gs gear yet, noone should have problems getting at least 300hp. I haven't done epics yet but for regular lvl20 stuff, I recommend getting 300hp(301hp to be exact, against powerword kill, why not?) at least to make your own playing a bit easier.
    Last edited by shagath; 05-05-2010 at 01:25 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shagath View Post
    If my drow sorc can have 320hp+rage+gh at lvl20 with base con of 12(now 13 with tr) and no gs gear yet, noone should have problems getting at least 300hp. I haven't done epics yet but for regular lvl20 stuff, I recommend getting 300hp(301hp to be exact, against powerword kill, why not?) at least to make your own playing a bit easier.
    You are saying that is enough then? You still aren't making it into their shroud. I am not saying it isn't, and don't understand the logic behind it. Then again, my sorc is only 17, and only has around 230 hp. That is before 38 points of "extras." Does Deathward block the effect of Power Word Kill? Just curious. I didnt start with a base 12 either, went 16, but haven't taken toughness yet (next level) on my Human.

  7. #7
    Community Member gwlech's Avatar
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    I think the logic goes something along the lines of:

    Arcane casters are supposed to be squishy, so I am going to make him squishy. Why would I make an intelligent barbarian? Same goes with a tough caster.

    Seriously though, it ****es me off ALOT to see low hp squishy drow casters (as well as anything squishy really).

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonman59 View Post
    how can they have about 80 less hp than me..they only lose 2 CON no?
    Drow don't get any con enhancements, can only take 2 ranks of racial toughness and have 4 less build points. An 80 HP difference might be a bit much, but +50-70 for human over drow isn't outlandish.

  9. #9
    Community Member DrunkenBuddha's Avatar
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    Default To squish or not to squish

    Guildies are saying toughness is not necessary as a feat. Methinks current level of squishiness was unacceptable, so I took toughness, despite the naysayers. Right now, lvl 12 drow sorcerer is sitting at 128hp. Currently farming taps for minos, but this hp still seems low. 350+ for end game doesn't seem feasible - and I started with 14 con. This is my first caster, and the squish factor seems to be high with this one. I keep blur/stoneskin/displacement/etc and currently have a mod fort item (minos is incoming) - but what else can I do to increase hitpoints?

    People say sorcerers exist to deal high damage - I would concur with the caveat that dealing dmg is difficult when dead. Advice?

  10. #10
    Founder Varis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrunkenBuddha View Post
    Guildies are saying toughness is not necessary as a feat. Methinks current level of squishiness was unacceptable, so I took toughness, despite the naysayers. Right now, lvl 12 drow sorcerer is sitting at 128hp. Currently farming taps for minos, but this hp still seems low. 350+ for end game doesn't seem feasible - and I started with 14 con. This is my first caster, and the squish factor seems to be high with this one. I keep blur/stoneskin/displacement/etc and currently have a mod fort item (minos is incoming) - but what else can I do to increase hitpoints?

    People say sorcerers exist to deal high damage - I would concur with the caveat that dealing dmg is difficult when dead. Advice?
    just get the +6 con item when you can... get a tome when you can... but meh... no biggie, you are super squishy, but use this opportunity to train yourself.
    Nuke them, get their aggro and learn to move around so they don't just beat you down. Jump while casting so you dont slow down a lot, use expeditious retreat/haste, etc all the time. Speed and high jump are your main defense aside from displacement.
    Roa - Fernian Nuker

  11. #11
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    Squishy is a style of play. 300 ish is plenty hp for high level toon. If you don't get hit don't worry about it. Unless I am solo'n a boss, if I take any damage at all in a shroud, then I have made a mistake. The shroud is really easy for caster (you can get away with 200 or even less). You can go the whole raid without taking one hit. However, if your play style dictates standing glued to a spot when casting or melee, then you may see damage. Hint: range attacks will never hit you if you are moving transverse to target. This includes spells like DBF.

    For epic content, I can say at present the most common way I die is

    1. Get held or commanded (sometimes back to back) then beat down by melee that can finally catch up with me. Essentially failed Will save.


    2. Of complete boredom

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrunkenBuddha View Post
    350+ for end game doesn't seem feasible - and I started with 14 con.
    As stated get a +6 con item, also a greater false life item(+30 HP), craft a shroud HP item(+45), eat a +2 tome(+20) and always keep rage up(+20). The only others thing I'd do is get Agents of Argo favor for +10 HP if you haven't already and when you can get Yugolith favor for the con pots(+2 con, +40 HP for 15 mins).

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