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  1. #1
    Community Member Pehtis's Avatar
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    Question Wizard: Got access to 32pt builds. Should I abandon this current 28 pt build?

    Conducting a review of my Warforged Wizard (pure) which was one of the first couple I rolled out as 28 pt build. Before investing any more time on it wanted to know whether I should re-roll it as a 32 pt build.

    Warforged (level 5)

    Str: 8
    Dex: 14
    Con: 16
    Int: 18 Max (stealth mage oriented)
    Wis: 6
    Cha: 6

    I intend this character to be decently built (as a base at least) to deal with end game content. Where would Vets recommend the placement of +4 points? Are they even necessary for end game (i.e is this 28pt build ok as is)?

    Got a similar question on my sorcerer but will place that elsewhere.

    Your advice is greatly appreciated.
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  2. #2
    Community Member JustWinBaby's Avatar
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    If you're only level 5, then yes, I would reroll him as a 32 pointer.

    Keep your stats as is. Make sure Int is maxed out. I would make Str atleast a 10, and put the other 2 points into either Dex or Con. The Str is so you can carry some stuff. Maybe make Str a 12. It won't hurt you. Higher Str means more stuff you can carry.

    Last edited by JustWinBaby; 05-05-2010 at 11:22 AM. Reason: I'm a moron
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  3. #3
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    I´d reroll.

    the points invested into DEX are effectively wasted, as you simply can (and really, really should) take Insightful Reflexes. You wont get your AC high enough to matter anyway past level 8, and once your ref-save is based on INT, DEX is a 100% dumpstat.

    I´d take INT 18, CON 18, and put the last points into STR and WIS. WIS to buff will-save, and STR to not get helpless once you get some STR penalty / dont have to waste an item-slot for a STR item, so you dont get encumbered by the stuff you carry around.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    In case anyone was interested, you posted an almost identical discussion in the sorc forums.:
    Sorcerer: Got access to 32pt builds. Should I abandon current 28 pt build?
    Check out my: My Index of Builds / My Capped Characters on Khyber: Krythan II / Velkro Sorcerer / Krythen 13/6/1 Rogue
    Need Some XP? / AFK for a bit: School. / See WF Body Feat Appearances

  5. #5
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    I'd also re-roll, and put those extra 4 points into strength.

    I know Ghoste and many others have been successful with 100% pure stealthy wizards, but I'd be much more comfortable doing it on a Wiz/Rog splash.

    My stealthy wizard gets found with a hide/ms in the high 40's/low 50's - I'm sure my personal lack of skill has something to do with it, but I'm betting higher skill levels gives more wiggle room.

    Plus, the Wiz/Rog has an awful lot of fringe benefits that have nothing to do with sneaking.
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  6. #6
    Community Member ArloOne's Avatar
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    I agree with Noctuss. I would re-roll as 32 pt. Max Intel and Con. Strength to at least 12, although I prefer 14 with masters touch, you can have fun with all martial weapons and actually hit stuff, For me , it makes me smile everytime I jump into a group of mobs with my paralyzing greataxe, standing displaced and hasted in a nasty firewall. Ooh what fun I never really worried about will save on my WF wizards. Basicaly left charisma,dextarity and wisdom as dumps, and focused on the aforemetnioned stats.
    I also reccommend making a WF wiz/rog .. Absolute blast to play, better than most rogues(regarding trap smithery) , evasion, and still potent casters.

    Have fun!!
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  7. #7
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    If you have 32pt, you also have vet. That means you reroll right to L4 as a 32pt build. With that in mind, you lose almost nothing by rerolling, I'd do it.

  8. #8
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    I would reroll
    1st Templar

  9. #9
    Community Member excess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    If you have 32pt, you also have vet. That means you reroll right to L4 as a 32pt build. With that in mind, you lose almost nothing by rerolling, I'd do it.
    This assumes he acquired 32pt. builds thrugh favor rather than through the store/DDO points. He may not actually have Vet status - either way, 5 levels is hardly a long grind with exp. pots going (which, if you spent money on 32pt. builds, you can probably afford :P - or I guess buy vet status too...)

    DO note, however, that apart from int and con, there really isn't anything that will significantly improve your ability to perform at end game - all the suggestions above deal more with convenience and wiggle room issues when you get down to it. It's simply that 5 levels really isn't a whole lot to grind back, so you're effectively asking: "are the 10 hours I need to reinvest now in order to build a slightly more forgiving character offset by the added value in playing said more forgiving character for potentially thousands of hours at cap?" - and framed that way, even a tiny benefit becomes worth rerolling over. People reroll to optimize for skills they may never actually use after all - so rerolling 5 levels to get more stat points? No brainer.
    Last edited by excess; 05-06-2010 at 05:31 PM.

  10. #10
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    to follow the others reroll dump dex boost str

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  11. #11
    Community Member Pehtis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by excess View Post
    This assumes he acquired 32pt. builds thrugh favor rather than through the store/DDO points. He may not actually have Vet status - either way, 5 levels is hardly a long grind with exp. pots going (which, if you spent money on 32pt. builds, you can probably afford :P - or I guess buy vet status too...)

    DO note, however, that apart from int and con, there really isn't anything that will significantly improve your ability to perform at end game - all the suggestions above deal more with convenience and wiggle room issues when you get down to it. It's simply that 5 levels really isn't a whole lot to grind back, so you're effectively asking: "are the 10 hours I need to reinvest now in order to build a slightly more forgiving character offset by the added value in playing said more forgiving character for potentially thousands of hours at cap?" - and framed that way, even a tiny benefit becomes worth rerolling over. People reroll to optimize for skills they may never actually use after all - so rerolling 5 levels to get more stat points? No brainer.
    The 5 levels were never an issue for me as was re-rolling this toon. What was the issue to me was exactly just where the extra points ought to go. The more I thought about the more I realised there wasn't anywhere in particular where it would make an awesome difference to the existing 28 pt build. I actually thought +4 Wisdom would be the best option as Willpower stat is non-existent for many wizard builds.

    However I finally found Ghoste's original post (there was a subsequent link within his post to that elusive 32 pt build) which put +2 Str and +2 Will. It is a stealth character whose playstyle idea I really like. Sneaking up and causing havoc to the enemy before they know what's happening sounds like a lot of fun.

    I do have a question about Willpower and 'end game' content. Is Willpower that unimportant for wizards? I understand WF have certain immunities but still ....
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  12. #12
    Community Member ArloOne's Avatar
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    On my WF wiz/rogue I used charisma, wisdom and dextarity as dump stats(not one point into any of them). I have found no ill effects by not raising wisdom for better will save. I think I have been great commanded, possibly 5 times. Not game breaking by any means.
    I like to max con,int and str. Even at end game with masters touch, GH, rage..I can use stat damaging and effect based weapons(martial weapon skill) effectivly. Yes, I know, I am not a tank/dps in any way shape or form. But, for mana management I would rather swing a weapon then twiddle my thumbs.

    Have fun!
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  13. #13
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by excess View Post
    This assumes he acquired 32pt. builds thrugh favor rather than through the store/DDO points. He may not actually have Vet status - either way, 5 levels is hardly a long grind with exp. pots going (which, if you spent money on 32pt. builds, you can probably afford :P - or I guess buy vet status too...)
    lol, good point, I'm still not used to the cash shortcut.

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