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  1. #1
    Community Member Iakona's Avatar
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    Default Is this feat broken?

    Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light
    Cooldown: 3 seconds
    Usage: Active
    Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable
    You have chosen to follow the path of light. You seek to be at harmony with the world, and your training will reflect your philosophy. You can activate this ability to channel positive energy into your attack, dealing 4d6 additional damage against undead, and applies a healing shield to your target which heals your allies that strike your target. On a vorpal strike (natural 20 followed by critical confirmation), you deal an additional 1d50 positive energy damage to undead.

    This has probably already been asked ansd asnwered before, but using this feat does no apparent additional 4d6 damage to undead that my system shows whatsoever, and have NEVER done a 1d50 damage on vorpal with it.. Was it nerfed? Is the description incorrect? Or is the feat simply broken and never been fixed by Turbine.

    I know many, many other things broken Turbine has never gotten around to fixing (although they appear to be able to add new broken content on a regular basis.) Was just curious.

    Items may be won or lost, only honor can truly be won on the field of battle - a long lost friend

  2. #2
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Its worked for my light monk. Both the 4d6 AND the 1d50 on a natural 20 against undead. Not sure why you're having problems with it...

    You did drag the appropriate ki strike to your hotbar, and you're using it, right? It's a 'clickie' feat that you have to manually activate when you want to use it, not an automatic hit.

  3. #3
    Community Member 00Danny's Avatar
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    I always get the extra damage when I use it on my monk. Shows up scrolling above the things head and in my combat log. Don't know why it wouldn't work for you.

  4. #4
    Community Member Iakona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    Its worked for my light monk. Both the 4d6 AND the 1d50 on a natural 20 against undead. Not sure why you're having problems with it...

    You did drag the appropriate ki strike to your hotbar, and you're using it, right? It's a 'clickie' feat that you have to manually activate when you want to use it, not an automatic hit.
    I use it. and I have watched my damage before, during, and after the white symbol appears above the mob's head (I am getting the health regen while striking.) I still see absolutely no difference in damage while it is active and while it isn't.

    Items may be won or lost, only honor can truly be won on the field of battle - a long lost friend

  5. #5
    Community Member xoowak's Avatar
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    The extra damage is only on the single attack that activates the healing curse.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iakona View Post
    This has probably already been asked ansd asnwered before
    No, it probably hasn't.

    This ability is working exactly as described. Your expectations of what it does seem incorrect.
    Last edited by Angelus_dead; 04-26-2010 at 12:24 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iakona View Post
    I use it. and I have watched my damage before, during, and after the white symbol appears above the mob's head (I am getting the health regen while striking.) I still see absolutely no difference in damage while it is active and while it isn't.
    It only does the damage on the initial strike, not while the healing curse is active. While the healing curse is active, you regain 1d2 HP per strike.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Perhaps your attack chain is too quick for you to notice the extra damage type popping up over the undead critter's head.

    To test it, try a quarterstaff and Fire stance so that you have a slower attack rate, and make sure that what you're attacking is undead

  9. #9
    Community Member Jamma's Avatar
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    The easiest way to check it is on a zombie, bare handed. All your regular hits are yellow, the FOL will be an additional, easy to spot orange with the slashing symbol.

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