I tried to solo the Waterworks quests in normal yesterday and discovered the following:
If the dungeon has more than 1 shrine, you can:
Rest at Shrine A → Rest at Shrine B → Rest at Shrine A 15 min. after your first using Shrine A → Rest at Shrine B 15 min. after your first using Shrine B → Rest at Shrine A 15 min. after your last time using Shrine A → and so on
If the dungeon has only 1 shrine, you can:
Rest at Shrine A → Rest at Shrine A 15 min. later → you can no longer use Shrine A
This contrary to what I found on DDO Wiki which only stats that you can reuse a shrine every 15 min. without further restriction.
I am curious if someone could verify this discovery, or pointing out some other necessary requirements for a shrine to become available again (eg. must not enter certain radius around the shrine, etc.)?