Well, like the title says, does anyone miss it? I do. I used to be a big PnPer, and was an elf junkie. A cpl of my favorite characters wre my fighter/wizard and my halfelf cleric/wizard. I know you can make characters like that now in DDO, but they aren't as effective as they were in PnP.(Granted, my last PnPing was done in the time of AD&D) The way it used to work was you would pick whatever classes you wanted at creation and all experience was split evenly between your classes as you lvled. Health would be split also, say a fighter/wizard would get 1d10/2 rounded up per fighter lvl and 1d4/2 rounded up per Wiz lvl. You would lvl up slower than a pure class as your xp would be split, and there were no splashes, your classes pretty much lvled up @the same rate. Each of your class lvls would end up a cpl lvls below that of a pure class, but the difference wouldn't be so great as to make them useless. In DDO, if you were to try this you would have a 10fighter/10wiz that couldn't hit anything with his sword and couldn't hurt anything with it's spells. The way spell dc's work in DDO, if you want to be an effective arcane caster you either have to stay pure or slash a lvl or 2 max. It's kind of a shame imo. I know they can't go to the old style multiclasses because they may too powerful in an MMO setting. I mean, why wouldn't you make a 17fighter/17Wiz instead of a 20 fighter or 20 wiz if all it took was more time?

I did have a thought though. What if they made spell DCs scale off your total lvl as opposed to your caster lvl? It may seem overpowered, but I don't think so. If you wanted to make a true 10fighter/10Wiz you would never get access to the most powerful spells anyway, but atleast the spells you have would have a chance of landing at higher lvls.

I'm not saying I tihink they should revamp the multiclass system, I'm just being nostalgic.