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  1. #1
    Community Member tomfar72's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Using armor past it's prime

    Has anyone else had a set of armor that looks so good they hate to stop wearing it? I have played various MMO's for close to 10 years and have never had that problem until now. My bard has a cpl of +4 Mith chain shirts passed down from characters that have been rerolled as well as a +5 Mith chain shirt that he just became able to use as he hit lvl 8. The problem is I have a +3 chain shirt of Command which is in and of itself not that great. However, the graphics for it are AWESOME. It is a long tunic style armor skin, which seems to be pretty rare. Not to mention it has some green on it and looks sweet with the Lucky Green Hat from the store. I know this sounds silly, and as a min/maxer in my previous life I have teased guildies for the exact same thing. (I had one previous guildie that REFUSED to wear anything that wasn't pretty and we all teased her about I've gotten really into playing this bard and though I'm not a RPer by any means, it just seems to me that a bard would want to wear something different than what everyone else is wearing. Has anyone else had this problem? I feel like I have been on an episode of Bard Eye for the Straight Guy.
    Buff Rock, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine.

  2. #2
    Community Member Terelle's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    I have a couple of bits of armour on one of my old characters that while suboptimal, look awesome.

    I hope that this game implements LoTRO style 'cosmetic outfits' so that we can have 2 sets of inventory slots - one with what we are actually wearing, and one which shows the 'look' of those sweet but suboptimal bits of gear. This would be a perfect solution, and a much better one than cosmetic hats that either take a head slot and mean you can't use something more useful, or overwrite our current head slot temporarily and still take an inventory slot.

    I am not buying any more 'cosmetic' items until Turbine gets this one right.

  3. #3
    Community Member badbob117's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default yup. I am all about cosmetics.

    My Barb refuses to wear anything but his Giantcraft breastplate from GH relics. I find it just looks the best. cool color, design and it matches my helm perfectly. Mind you i am a barb and sometimes i feel my ac is so low i may as well be naked. I would go naked but i don't like the look of my briefs.

    I have other better armors but they are all ugly IMHO. I do wear them for serious missions, but i usually hide under a potion of "Bark skin". That is how much i hate the look. I cannot stand the look and design of my Dragon Touched armor from SOS. Took me forever to get that armor with semi descent upgrades but i still am very unhappy wearing it.

    I hear rumors of customizable cosmetics being put in place by the devs for armor and other stuff. I hope they can make my SOS armor look as good as my GC armor. that would be sweet.

  4. #4
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    They posted some time ago that such customizing was coming and recently with TP bought items allowing it, I'd say its still on the table. To what degree remains to be seen.
    Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz

  5. #5
    Community Member farbtonwolf's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Default cosmetics

    My fvs at level 10 still uses +2 mith full plate just for the graphics. The +5 is in the bank but is but ugly purple and seems to have pieces missing yet is in perfect condition. Would love to switch armor skins or better yet let use design our armor on the store. Something I can use my turbine points on.

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