i often see in end game gear Head of Good Fortune. I don't understand why it is praised that much. Anybody care to explain why +2 luck is that good?
i often see in end game gear Head of Good Fortune. I don't understand why it is praised that much. Anybody care to explain why +2 luck is that good?
Stackable +2 to saves is pretty good for a trinket slot... just aint that much around. bloodstone for melee of course...
+2 saves is almost always a good thing.
+2 skills can be very useful, particularly for intimidate, UMD, trap skills, diplomacy, Concentration, and to a lesser degree Balance.
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+2 Luck bonus to all saves and skills is very good.
+2 on top of the competence and resistance bonuses so essentially you end up with a +7 to saves (with a +5 resistance item).
Saves like will and reflex help in so many cases
Don't let common sense stop you...
Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09
+2 to all saves and skills comrade, useful for my UMD melee toon.
It's a great item and all, but carrying a head around is kinda creepy.
HoGF is second best non-epic trinket for a caster and very easy to get.
Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer
but i also have pouch of jerky and wondering when one or the other should be used.
from Reaver's Fate in Gianthold.
You can also add the alchemical ritual to it, to make it a +3 to all saves and all skills. That is what I do with mine.
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Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt
+2 doesn't seem like all that much and it isn't all that much on its own. After all, you can get +6 strength items, +5 weapons with big effects, +15 skill items, etc.
The difference with the Head of Good Fortune is that it stacks with other bonuses where most other items don't stack. If you wear a +6 Charisma item, you'll get +3 on your Use Magic Device skill. If you wear a second +6 Cha item, you get an additional +0.
If you put the HoGF on, though, you'll end up with an addional +2 on top of the other stuff you're carrying.
...also, there just aren't that many good Trinkets in the game, so getting a HoGF means you can pass the bloodstone to another of your characters and still have something very nice.
For a WF its also 100% Fort.
Devourer: Anneliese, 20 Drow Sorc