Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
Nice video. Cool to see more of these. Greatjob on the quality encode after you figured it out.

It's cool to see the other strategy pulled off by a good group.

But, to me it doesn't change any opinions on what I think a melee should bring to that raid.. Just shows me that you had a great group, and that 4 rangers can really do solid DPS to her.

Your rangers bring her to the platform around twice as fast as my group. and kept the damage constant for the couple time she leaves the platform later on. I don't see any advantage in melee DPS there, proper epic melee have no trouble fighting her straight up, just have to know when to back off for a second.

On Khyber there are very few actual ranged-spec rangers that run the raid, so I very rarely worry about recruiting many. Last 5 runs or so we had no rangers at all, and all were just as fast and easy. But when we do take one, especially one in my guild who plays purely as ranged all the time and is maxxed out gear-wise, he brings her to the platform like 10 times faster, it's quite a huge difference.

In my video the 2 rangers we did have are both full melee spec DPS Tempest Dwarf builds, they do decent ranged dps, but not nearly what a fully spec arcane archer can do.

Re: Piking..
I'd wager a guess that if you instead stood in the corner and did nothing the outcome of the raid would of been the same. Perhaps in a weaker group with allot less rangers I could see your tank being a key member critical to the success of the raid.
usually it goes something like this:

chat 1-epic dq who wants in?
chat 1-me.

thats usually how we fill, we dont look for a tank per say. When im there on this guy, i intimidate her, when im in on my healer, i heal and dps her, when im on heavy hitting melee i melee her, when im in on alts that can range i range her, you get the point.

The point of this video was never to say anyone needs an intimitank. The point was to show the people that wanted to see the raid done using an intimitank.

Imo having someone hold her in one spot makes the raid easier and smoother. Is it by anymeans necessary? No.

Im sure the result would have been the same if i was piking considering one of our group has soloed it. Most of the people we usually run with are solid on any alt they have.

BTW thanks a bunch for the help with the vid.

I never expected anyone to watch this vid and say, ohh we gotta get one of those tanks, and especially not people like you who have made it well known on these forums that big dps is the only way they roll. I just happen to have a different view of this game is all. Im not some newb who thinks that intimitanks should be running around in a shield all the time and constantly intimitanking. The build in the vid is capable of dealing out damage, not max dps type, but good solid consistent damage. I enjoy playing it, and can contribute to all groups at the highest levels of the game.