Of the five simple machines taught in physics in HS and colleges all over the world, Only one fits the feeling I have towards this week and the people that are able to partake in it's festivities. WHY DO I HAVE TO WORK THIS WEEK? Why is there not spring break for the real adults. All I am asking for is a week of some one babysitting my childeren and doing my job while I go to the destination of my choice and fornicate with every sort of device i can order through the mail or QVC. I mean serioisly, The only advantage to this whole F'ing week is that the highways are like deserts and day light savings time will help me feel like I am getting off an our early for a day or 2 until I adjust. Unlike some of you, I would actually like to go somewhere with my wife and not just bark out orders for more cheesy poofs while I grind out thislast ToD for the ring.
Dammmmmmmmmmiiiiiiitttttt!!!!!!!!!1 I need a vacation!!!!!!!
Oh yes, and for all you people that say i never have anythign constructive to say about DDO, I do reccomend you get a level 2 Pure good of your choice and put Icy burst on it., It absolutlty sleighs at that level. and so does the +3 Icy burst heavymace of weighted 5% iI made over the weekend but thats for higher levels.......
but i digress..... back to my jealous rant, I hope all you that manage to go to the beach to see the tinnie-weenie bikinis, get soo drunk that you dont remember whatever fun you may have. An may every electronic recording device fail in tandem with your adventures.... I hate you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Green beers to all!!!
btw, I quit drinking, but have up'ed my xanax intake so you may not see any real difference..... lol