THere he is, in all his gimpy glory. He is the second oldest character I have, dating from May 2006. BUT, he managed to avoid being re-rolled (rather well, nearly killing Velah at level 12 on his own due to therest of the party being dead except for a cleric).
I even Rp'd in my head why he was so gimpy. Self justifcation, really, but I do regret erasing my first character, a pally named Roselyn. But she was worse than Sousake. He was my fourth character I ever rolled up. Kleo, my 28 pt. sorc is my second rolled toon (and not being TRUrez. She isn't broke, just 28pt build) and Trissa is number 5.
He is slated for TRUrez. If I can get him to 20.
You see, he cannot solo anything, and I feel incredibly guilty having him in a party. Outside being most likely being the last one dead, and a great emergacy party-wiper-stopper, he brings nothing to the party but my winning personality (and even that is questionable).
SO I have two requests for my poor, poor abused server:
1. I need to get him to 20. He is flagged for Reaver and the Shroud, and willing to drag him in anything. He has some really nice weapons. Longswords, but really nice ones. I can try to help out as much as possible.
2. How should I roll him up? I do have some critria. As mentioned, I have niiice Longswords. I have zero Khopeshes. Every elf I have have taken all my good scimitars. THat's another Pally, melee FvS, and my Clogue, among others. SO Longswords it is.
I would love to have the uber saving power. His saves were nice, but I don't think it needed to be THAT nice. Also, having that UMD helped alot. Like to keep that on the his second time through.
I'd like him to have KotC. I want him to HIT and do some damage. I am horrid with AC builds so let's go this way. Yes. yes, the damage won't be khopesh uber. But I'd like to do some kind of damage.
He has to stay human.
Please make my WIS at least a 10
HE HAS WAITING FOR HIM: +6 WIS, proof against Poison goggles (tier 2 shroud,) and has swallowed the following tomes:
+1 STR
+1 DEX
+1 CON
+1 WIS
+2 CHA
I currently have no +2 STR or CON tomes, but several DEX ones.
SO any assistance would be great. Insults, not so much, but I am sure you guys will hand them out too.