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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tee-Bone View Post
    warchanter Great build i am using it and at level 5 have had no issues as of yet.

    One thing though in the build it says to get weapon focus:slashing at level3 That option never came up and at level 5 just hitting level 5 its still not a option as far as feats. Am i missing something here or confuesd? I even went and saw fred since i found out you can redo your feats? but still no weapon focus option.
    This may be a major issue. I don't understand why it wouldn't be available. The only prereq is BAB +1. I just created it using the Veteran option and I was given the option at L3.

    What classs did you level in at each level? What is your Base Attack Bonus now? What feat did you pick at L3?

  2. #42
    Community Member Fattiest's Avatar
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    great stuff here,,,,


    Hire this guy and double his current pay. He's blowing your guys out of the water.

    Archangels - RIP Xoriat
    Fattiest - Lardarss - XiiGage - WarDrumm - Mongler - Constabull - Chalus - Lootbank

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    This may be a major issue. I don't understand why it wouldn't be available. The only prereq is BAB +1. I just created it using the Veteran option and I was given the option at L3.

    What classs did you level in at each level? What is your Base Attack Bonus now? What feat did you pick at L3?
    I followed the leveling as stated level 2 was bab 1 and the rest of the levels have been bard base attack is +4 right now.

    its showing as red and says my prereq requires +1 base attack bonus which i have so i ahve no idea why its showing red now

    What i did instead is trained two hand fighting instead of slashing since i never had the option.

    I was not going to worry too much about it since it seems you can retrain these feats?? am i correct onthat assumption ? retrain with fred?
    Last edited by Tee-Bone; 03-13-2010 at 12:16 PM.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tee-Bone View Post
    I followed the leveling as stated level 2 was bab 1 and the rest of the levels have been bard base attack is +4 right now.

    its showing as red and says my prereq requires +1 base attack bonus which i have so i ahve no idea why its showing red now

    What i did instead is trained two hand fighting instead of slashing since i never had the option.

    I was not going to worry too much about it since it seems you can retrain these feats?? am i correct onthat assumption ? retrain with fred?
    Yes you can, but it gets more and more costly as you level up. And not having WF means it will delay / forbid your access to the Warchanter enhancement (which would suck).

    I'm at a loss as why it doesn't work for you

    Hopefully you can get it at L6 and just delay your feats a bit, which isn't that bad. If you can't take it at L6, ask GM / send bug report. Maybe also make a thread somewhere with a screenshot of the situation.

    Edit: just to clarify things, what race are you?
    Last edited by tihocan; 03-13-2010 at 01:17 PM.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    Yes you can, but it gets more and more costly as you level up. And not having WF means it will delay / forbid your access to the Warchanter enhancement (which would suck).

    I'm at a loss as why it doesn't work for you

    Hopefully you can get it at L6 and just delay your feats a bit, which isn't that bad. If you can't take it at L6, ask GM / send bug report. Maybe also make a thread somewhere with a screenshot of the situation.

    Edit: just to clarify things, what race are you?

    Human race

    and i have allready bug reported it.

    I think i will try one more time to refeat with fred before it get to expensive

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tee-Bone View Post
    Human race

    and i have allready bug reported it.

    I think i will try one more time to refeat with fred before it get to expensive
    Remember that when you swap a feat with Fred, he knows what level you took the original feat.

    So if you took Skill Focus:Swim at level 1 (**shudder**), would wouldn't be able to swap it for Weapon Focus. Because when you took SF:Swim, you only had a BAB of 0.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by gavagai View Post
    Remember that when you swap a feat with Fred, he knows what level you took the original feat.

    So if you took Skill Focus:Swim at level 1 (**shudder**), would wouldn't be able to swap it for Weapon Focus. Because when you took SF:Swim, you only had a BAB of 0.
    Yep but he's supposed to swap his L3 feat, and at L3 he's bard 2 / barb 1, so BAB 2.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tee-Bone View Post
    Human race

    and i have allready bug reported it.

    I think i will try one more time to refeat with fred before it get to expensive
    Can you say which feats Fred offers you to respec?

  9. #49
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Awesome, AWESOME job on these!

    When/if you finish all of these, I bet you'll feel very accomplished

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    Can you say which feats Fred offers you to respec?
    Lol Nope right now i can not since i dont have the money to buy the required shards needed to respect. i only have approx 300+ small shards and need at least 1000 to get the shard needed at my level. of course this changes as you say so hopefully i can get the plat before i level again.

    I am not sure i understand though from reading this it seems i have to respec what ever i speced at level 3 to get the feat needed? maybe that is why its screwed up? i got my dragon marking from fred and then i did respec right after but i had no idea what i was doing or what i actually respeced at that time. It may have been toughness not sure.

  11. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    Warchanter (Bard 18/Fighter 1/Barbarian 1)
    Warchanters are best as pure than multiclassed, IMO.

    The proficiencies can be overwritten by Master's Touch and the +1 boost to Inspire Courage from remaining pure makes of you an as good physical combatant than those barbarian or fighter level would but increases a party's or raid's DPS output by more. The loss of Extend makes human a bit more attractive race than on bard/barb/fighter builds., #1 source for DDO information.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Warchanters are best as pure than multiclassed, IMO.

    The proficiencies can be overwritten by Master's Touch and the +1 boost to Inspire Courage from remaining pure makes of you an as good physical combatant than those barbarian or fighter level would but increases a party's or raid's DPS output by more. The loss of Extend makes human a bit more attractive race than on bard/barb/fighter builds.
    I thought about making it pure but:
    - Master Touch currently sucks on some computers. It can't be used in some quests where being frozen for 10-15s at a shrine can get you killed. And the visual bug is annoying as well.
    - As you said, you lose a useful feat by going non-human. I wanted a build for which most races would be viable.
    - The prestige class itself encourages us to splash barbarian to use the extra Rage. It adds a bit of fun and flavor

    All in all, I believe it's a better build for a new player than a pure one. And even if I'm wrong it remains viable and a welcome addition to parties at L20.

    Thanks for the feedback I should add some links to such discussions into builds so that people can see what others think about them. I'll try to remember to add that later!

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tee-Bone View Post
    Lol Nope right now i can not since i dont have the money to buy the required shards needed to respect. i only have approx 300+ small shards and need at least 1000 to get the shard needed at my level. of course this changes as you say so hopefully i can get the plat before i level again.

    I am not sure i understand though from reading this it seems i have to respec what ever i speced at level 3 to get the feat needed? maybe that is why its screwed up? i got my dragon marking from fred and then i did respec right after but i had no idea what i was doing or what i actually respeced at that time. It may have been toughness not sure.
    You should be able to see feats even without the shard. You just won't be able to perform the swap.
    Go to Fred, and look at which feats he offers to swap for you. Then drag each feat one after the other in the swap slot, and see if Weapon Focus is offered as a replacement.

    Also, why did you already do a feat respec? You're losing me here, I thought you just had taken THF at L3 instead of Weapon Focus. Note also from the feat respec entry on the first post: For builds or variants that suggest feat respec while leveling up, it is best not to use the single free respec given to all characters. This free respec should be saved for a potential high level feat respec, which can be extremely expensive.. It's too bad you wasted your free respec on a low level one.

    It starts to look like it's not a bug though. Please do the above to check exactly what's going on.
    Last edited by tihocan; 03-13-2010 at 04:19 PM.

  14. #54
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    I did it because i am stupid and wasnt paying attention to what i was doing just clicking along. i will post the respec info shortly.

    yep i fubared it and its my own doing. I have 3 specs i can respec

    1. extend- when i choose that one the feat in question doesn't appear.
    2. tougness - when i choose this one i am indeed able to choose the feat in question.
    3. two handed fighting - the feat in question doesn't appear.

    Well thank you for the help in figuring this out. as said i was just blindly clicking when i got to fred and wasnt reading what you wrote or what he was saying. So am i now screwed with this build? Should slashing be available ate level 6? If it is i would think i can catch up at level 9 when i should of been choosing two handed fighting?

    Sorry for not being clearer on this issue. I know though when i choose THF i could not choose slashing hence why i choose THF. Problem is i left out that i had respeced by just being stupid on the matter and not paying attention to what you wrote. I guess i got confused on why it wouldn't show up and i really had no idea that the respec before had done damage to the build. Thanks again for your patience and even if i did screw this up and it can not be fixed i still would use your work to reroll as it is very informative for the newbie. The newbie just needs to use patience and such instead of trying to plow through :-)
    Last edited by Tee-Bone; 03-13-2010 at 06:59 PM.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tee-Bone View Post
    I did it because i am stupid and wasnt paying attention to what i was doing just clicking along. i will post the respec info shortly.

    yep i fubared it and its my own doing. I have 3 specs i can respec

    1. extend- when i choose that one the feat in question doesn't appear.
    2. tougness - when i choose this one i am indeed able to choose the feat in question.
    3. two handed fighting - the feat in question doesn't appear.

    Well thank you for the help in figuring this out. as said i was just blindly clicking when i got to fred and wasnt reading what you wrote or what he was saying. So am i now screwed with this build? Should slashing be available ate level 6? If it is i would think i can catch up at level 9 when i should of been choosing two handed fighting?

    Sorry for not being clearer on this issue. I know though when i choose THF i could not choose slashing hence why i choose THF. Problem is i left out that i had respeced by just being stupid on the matter and not paying attention to what you wrote. I guess i got confused on why it wouldn't show up and i really had no idea that the respec before had done damage to the build. Thanks again for your patience and even if i did screw this up and it can not be fixed i still would use your work to reroll as it is very informative for the newbie. The newbie just needs to use patience and such instead of trying to plow through :-)
    Ok thanks, makes total sense now. Basically you went to respec a feat, which you shouldn't have done. If there's something in the build that made you think you had to go to Fred and respec, let me know, because I want to fix it to avoid other ppl doing the same (if you just did it on your own, that's cool, this kind of things happens).

    So here are your options:
    1. If you can afford another feat respec (if you're on Thelanis let me know and I'll mail you a shard): respec THF for Power Attack, take Weapon Focus at L6, then follow the build.
    2. If you can't afford it: take Weapon Focus at L6 and Power Attack at L9, then follow the build. Basically if you do that it just means you won't be able to take the bard Warchanter enhancement until you are L9 (instead of L6 with option #1).

  16. #56
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    Not on that server :-) thanks for the offer though.

    It was not your doing really it was mine. I basically was trying to power level through and using your post as a guide. When i actually got to fred from the quest i was just being newb. Not knowing what was going on i just was clicking away wonder to myself hmm what does he mean respec :-) As stated if the next newb takes the time to read and not just blindly click it should not be a problem. Thank you again for your insight into this issue:-)
    The server i am on is a new one i think Cannith

  17. #57
    Community Member Wogs's Avatar
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    Default Thanks!

    Your guides are really really helpful for a game where there doesn't seem to be many places to find good and consolidated information. I've been using your Rogue build and it's working really well for me. I did start a Master Mechanic previously and got him to level 6 but rebuilt my Rogue entirely according to your guidelines. I have to say the only thing I miss about the way my new guy plays compared to my old one is I do kind of miss having a Bluff skill that works well. Bluff comes in handy when you're soloing and trying to land some sneak attacks and don't have anyone to Diplomatically convince the mob to attack.

    I was actually wondering if you could help me devise a viable Warchanter Bard build that has a splash of rogue? My intention is to have a bard that does decent melee dps/melee buffs with enough skills in rogue to take care of lock-picking and disabling and do some light healing. I mostly just duo/trio stuff with my two friends when I'm not soloing and they both play melee types so it would be nice to have the Bard buffs and some heals in addition to our Cleric hirelings.

    Again thanks for all your work!
    Last edited by Wogs; 03-17-2010 at 01:33 AM.

  18. #58
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    Default Thanks you!

    I just tried this game on a lark, and was amazed at how much fun it is. However the character options can be quite daunting, even to D&D vets like myself. So thank you very much for all this work you're putting in.

    As per what builds I'd like to see you do next:

    Warpriest of Siberys (Cleric)
    Elementalist (Wizard)

    I'd also really like to see a Cleric/Rogue build if that's at all possible.

    Once again, thanks so much for taking the time to help out us noobers.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wogs View Post
    I have to say the only thing I miss about the way my new guy plays compared to my old one is I do kind of miss having a Bluff skill that works well. Bluff comes in handy when you're soloing and trying to land some sneak attacks and don't have anyone to Diplomatically convince the mob to attack.
    That's a good point, I'll add a note about this in Variants as Bluff may actually be somewhat useful for solo play.

    I was actually wondering if you could help me devise a viable Warchanter Bard build that has a splash of rogue? My intention is to have a bard that does decent melee dps/melee buffs with enough skills in rogue to take care of lock-picking and disabling and do some light healing. I mostly just duo/trio stuff with my two friends when I'm not soloing and they both play melee types so it would be nice to have the Bard buffs and some heals in addition to our Cleric hirelings.
    You can adapt the Warchanter in this thread, replacing the 2 levels of barb/fighter by 2 levels of rogue. Assuming 28 pt build, go Human, take down Con to 14, Cha to 12, Str to 16, to bump Int to 15 (get a +1 Int tome at L3). That should give you enough Int for important skills. Take your first level as rogue. Your second level of rogue should be taken around L10 (you can try to optimize it for skills, but shouldn't matter too much). After you take your 2nd level of rogue you'll want the Insightful Reflexes feat to get full benefit of Evasion, so with the loss of the figther level this means you need to drop 2 feats. Empower Healing will have to go. I would personally drop Extend as well, but you can also decide to give up on a bit of glancing blows DPS and not take Greater Two-Handed Fighting.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrels123 View Post
    As per what builds I'd like to see you do next:

    Warpriest of Siberys (Cleric)
    Elementalist (Wizard)

    I'd also really like to see a Cleric/Rogue build if that's at all possible.

    A Cleric/Rogue build is not going to happen, at least as a "revised Path", because there is no such build in the original paths, and I'm sticking to them for now.
    Try to search some cleric builds by Impaqt, I'm sure he has some cleric/rogue combo somewhere.

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