I'm sure this has been asked/worked out elsewhere in the forums. But, I hadn't found it just yet. The Definitive Turn Undead posts were awesome in helping to understand the damage ability of TU before it becomes mostly useless at high levels. But, I was curious just what the absolute max number of turn undead uses a Cleric could have.
Currently running a human with a 22 Charisma, the extra turning feat(+4) and the extra turning 4 enhancement (+4). Thus, I have 17 Turn Undead (along with Divine Vitality, Divine Cleansing, Divine Healing for low mana/potion emergencies.
I originally built her as a heal-bot/scourge of the undead as I had a party to run with. While I learned quickly that dumping all my points into improving her chances at turning weren't helping much. I have kept her as a walking Mana battery and it has paid off on more than one occasion.
I did not see any mention on the turn undead feat that said what determined it's base number of uses. I know that my base number of uses is 9 and I have an additional 8 via my feats/enhancements. But, I was curious just how many turn undead uses a cleric could achieve.