Brief Story-

Logged into to play my TR'ed FvS, who has made it to 11, and has plenty of quests to do. Looking over the LFM, I see a 11-14 VoN run. Perfect! I have not done VoN 5-6 on this character yet, the group has 6 people already in it, and I will supply the second Wisdom and healing.

The group is slowly filling, and I see we have one spot left, and I take a look to see what the Group Leader is looking for to see if I can send out some tells, or offer general encouragement to join.

A) The Group Leader has changed the level range to 11-16.
B) There is a level 15 in group.

So, I ask/state "By changing the group admission levels, you have harmed the 11's in the group."

The Group Leader's response "There are no 11's in the group"....when, in fact, there were two.

I excuse myself. I don't waste anyone's time with accusations- It is a game after all. However- It would have saved my time if the group leader had simply said "We are not filling fast enough, so I am going to open the group up to a wider range." Instead of saying nothing about it. Yes, I still would have left the group, but I don't begrudge any leaders call on that...just not being consulted before the change. (even with in-game change notices, you can miss them as they scroll by)

It's an obligation to courtesy, to let people know you are making a change when that change will adversely impact them, and let them feel empowered to make the choice to stay or go.

I try to keep that in mind when ever I am filling a group.

