Ok, so, bordem stuck me today when I realized everything I could raid was still on Timer and I can't find a group to save my life because everyone wants raids.

So here goes.

I'm wanting to do a static group, be it all vets starting at level 4, or even rerolling to level 1, I don't rightly care.

However, I have a lot of characters, only one near cap, and I want to level them up some.

I have a 5th level human Cleric, 4th level Human Fighter (TWF, Khopleshs), 4th level Drow Wizard, 4th level Warforged rogue/fighter (Total mess up ><), 4th level finesse Drow Monk, my main (17 paladin/2 fighter), and the rest are options for rerolls.

If anyone is willing to form a static group, lemme know.