After spending my time on this week grouping and just about running TS to ransack I have retracted my prievious post. Watching people get blinded and ask for remove blindness only to get ignored when I loot blindness ward goggles or remove blindness pots and offer it up to whoever needed them and seeing people run through the hallway of poision traps before the rogue gets to them or putting on a Proof vs Poision item and then asked to fix their STR/CON/DEX stat damage, I've institutied a new rule. First ones free. After that you're on your own. Especially if you've done the quest more than once and know what to expect. I'll make exceptions if its your first time. Alot of players dont understand that being self suffecient eases up the burden on the party healer to spend that sp on really good stuff instead of heals and fixit spells and an come in handy if the shrines are few and far between. Carry pots of all sorts and if you can UMD or able to through other means carry wands/scrolls. If you are lvl10 you should have no problem keeping yourself in the plat. You wont be rolling in it but you should have no hard time buying any of the consumables you need. If need be grind 1000 fav and get the Vet option and start a lvl4 haggle bard to take to the broker.