Is there any content (epic or otherwise) where True Resurrection is an absolute must, where Resurrection would not suffice?
Is there any content (epic or otherwise) where True Resurrection is an absolute must, where Resurrection would not suffice?
-1 Rep for the smart-alecky answer.
The OP is new. Care to answer in a more helpful manner?
Perhaps you could explain why one is more spellpoint efficient than the other. After all, it may not be as spellpoint efficient for YOU to cast True Resurrection but it may be more efficient for the PARTY if you True Res a Caster or other Healer who had a full Mana bar right before he/she died.
Rez+Heal is more spellpoints than True Rez.
Last edited by Tarrant; 01-18-2010 at 10:49 AM.
Are you playing a favored soul? If so, don't bother memorizing True Rez. On my lvl 20 FvS, I only have raise dead, and to hell with those who insist I need resurrection or better.
Ressurection is plenty IMO, especially if you don't mind tossing around a few heal scrolls. For a cleric that can memorize all of the lvl 9s anyway, you may as well use true rez.
Ideally, if you are worried about spell points (which a favored soul shouldn't), then you could always use a ressurection scroll and then top off with heal scrolls. These are both orders of magnitude cheaper than sp potions.
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
For most non-raiding situations, I agree with you. If you raid though, you'll be ineffective with only raise dead because you won't be able to cure people fast enough post-raise to keep them alive in too many situations. Raise dead is fine for the controlled situation, but not when the spit hits the fan.