What precisely is a battle cleric?
I have seen people call a cleric that uses a melee weapon a battle cleric, even if they healed the party and kept people up.
I have seen offensive caster clerics be called battle clerics.
I have seen cleric x/fighter x be called battle clerics, regardless of their healing capacity.
I have seen people call a cleric that never healed for a battle cleric.
At this point I am not sure what a battle cleric is.
If I go into a party as a healer and I keep people up by healing them and buff them, does it really matter if I also use a weapon or a spell to cc or kill things?
I still haven't found a good definition of a battle cleric, because I have heard so many versions of what it is.
I am honestly confused by this. If someone can help me out, I would be grateful
If this post is meant to help new players, I suggest the OP describes a battle cleric in his OP, simply because of the many weird definitions of this creature.
If you want new players to avoid making a battle cleric, please explain what it is, so they know what it is they should avoid.