I realize these are radically different items, but both are on my list for a new toon I am respeccing after feedback in Char Build forum.
One criticism was levied against Tumble which I thought could be a neat skill. I had put in some hefty numbers but was told to only put ONE point as this was all that I needed. The way it was put, it sounded as if anything more was an utter waste. is that so?
Another idea I have been toying with after I found myself with more feats than I had on my absolute must-have list, was Stunning Blow. Presuming I followed up with this with the strengthening enhancements, how attractive would this be, adding Weighted items? Or would I simply be better off using Paralyzers and the like at the appropriate time and not waste the feat and enhancements? This is for a TWF Dwarven axe user BTW.