So I rolled up a monk last night, built it according to my gut, had a play for a level or two, and I'm reasonably convinced that I'm going to enjoy the class - so its time to reroll. I'd like to do a pureclass monk right up to 20 for the capstone which seems pretty darn nice. I've got 32 pt build available. I'm likely to solo frequently, but certainly not exclusively and I want to be lots of use to parties.
So can any of you experienced monk players help me out? What are the 'essentials' of this sort of build, and why? I'm thinking feats, enhancements to aim for, starting attribute minimums, skills to concentrate on etc. I think a human is looking like the best option given that no races boost WIS, but I'm open to correction!
Is it worth putting any points into UMD even though its not a class skill? Is TWF a must? I'd like to end up with Whirlwind strike which has quite a few feat reqs, of which TWF is not one.
If no-one feels like giving me a monk 101 here, are there any example 32pt monk builds that I could be linked to?I've done some searching but turned up very little.