Are handwraps finessable?
I am a total monk noobster and working on a few different builds.
One STR build using WF
One Dex build using Halfling
Not sure which way to go but I think I will test at level 4 and play with the build unitl the update 3 which is really going to be nice for monks.
remember that you cannot take Mithral or Adamantite Body with a Monk. It will make them uncentered. Also, do not ignore Dex on a Str build as that affects your AC. Likewise, make sure that you keep Wis high as that is AC related as well.
With either build, you MUST have Str, Con, Dex and Wis of at least 12. When you get the elemental paths, each stance will take one of these stats down by 2. So, you need them all higher than 10 so you do not suffer a penalty. Similarly, by level 10 or so, you should have these stats all at least 14 (same reason).
If you only take one stance, you are locking out all the elemental strikes and 'finishing moves' the monk class has to offer.
Of course next update we'll all be getting the first tier of stances for free as well as the Fists of Light/Darkness depending on your class so soon enough mine will be a moot point.
If you dont care for the twitch playstyle, you chose the wrong class. /reroll dude. A pure monk is the worst class in the game for a player who cant use the abilities the class has to offer. Your combos are usefull, and sometimes extremely important. Tower of Despair Horoth fight being a strong example. By using Earth Light Earth you prevent the melee from being stunned, making healing possible with scrolls, and reducing the overall dps that Horoth can put on your tanks. Also, the fight will go quicker, because everyone is beating him instead of standing there stunned. In addition to that, healers benefit in no small way from your water light water combo, saving them from having to use potions.
You see, once people have grouped with a person who actually plays the class, after they find out that you dont care to do anything but fists of light, which does nothing to a red named boss, they will promply replace you with a barbarian who can do several times the dps you can do. Put simply, without all of our nifty utility abilities, the monk is just a glorified bb gun. I suppose you wont use unbalancing strike or quivering palm either? Lol
Gloomshade ~ Thelanis
if he is having fun, why bother him? If he wants to be more effective in a raid 14 levels removed from his current one, I'm sure he can ask, learn and experience the game and get better at it.