Bronko Lawbringer
Founder, Guild Leader, & Official Meat Shield™ of THAC0 on Ghallanda
I agree with the WF for the win took me 2 years too long to break down and make a WF caster..once ya go WF ya never go back. I have a capped WF Wizzy...I cant imagine ever playing a fleshy caster again lol. I just cant decide if I should bring her back as a Sorc or Wizzy with the sorc past life
Due to endless analysis not needed here we can limit the discussion to the two versions:
WF Wizard vs Human Sorc
As I have multiple copies of multiple variants here is what I use:
1. WF Wizard has faster/more consistent self healing = best for solo where things are unavoidably a mess (or cursed)
2. Human Sorc has more (everything) including party support = best for grouping and solo where speed wins
All the classes in this game have unique strengths and weaknesses. Some classes do better than others, but there is NO overall 'best' class in this game at all. If there was, the concept and whole structure of D&D would be completely ruined and the majority of the population on DDO:EU would consist of that class who dominates all others completely.
Plus, its a team game. Isin't as good of a team game if everyone played against each other using the same class, is it? Not to say it would not be a team game at all if it were...
Good point, usually we can't have everything, right? I sacrificed the wizard capstone and some SP too, I opted for 2 levels of rogue. HPs are pretty solid at 469, sans rage. 489 with rage. If I pull a +3 con tome, 509 (with rage).
But, yeah, sorcs are just as good, in a different way. Or at least that's my observation.
The discussion have been about pure sorcs vs pure wizards, not pure sorcs VS multiclassed and pure wizards.
Try to be consistent, or at least be cleared on what you are comparing.
To all those who keep saying how versatile wizards are compared to sorcs, can you please give us an example from endgame?
The fact that wizards have to play "smarter" just says that sorcs are indeed better.
Sorcs can do everything wizards can do, and they do it more efficient.
I've always been a big sorc fan over wizards for the reasons everyone and thier brother have stated in the past, mostly the larger mana pool.
...right up untill I decided to go completionist on one of my toons that has the torq, abbot gloves, spell storing ring, bauble and two CO shroud items. Took wizy as my third incarnation(bard being the second just to get it out of the way with as little xp penalty as possible:P ) It was the usual mana concervation wizzy right up untill level 11 when sudenly mana became a complete non issue and all of the wizards extra feats and spells suddenly smacked me in the forhead.
For me at least, it turned out that it all boiled down to mana.. I absolutly hated running out of spell points and being useless or near useless to anyone including myself. With that problem removed entirely, the wizard was a far better class for me in every way.
A comparison of the two without considering the multiclass options wouldn't be a complete or realistic comparison, in my opinion.
I didn't say I was only comparing a multiclass wizard to a pure sorc. I don't know what other peoples' opinions are, but each has unique pros/cons in all combos the class promotes.
For example, sorcs multiclass very well with paladins, and even barbs a bit. Wizards multiclass very well with rogues. Pures have different aspects that you can consider too. I prefer to look at it with the options people actually use and/or the options I would consider.
Quoting someone who is discussing pures and saying that he is wrong and shows an example that just happens to be a multiclass(but that part you don't even mention) seems pretty stupid to me.
I agree that you have to consider multiclass options, but I strongly disagree with your methods.
Have played both wizard and sorcerer, sorcerer wins (by an extremely large margin).
And even without a reflex save above 10 a good sorc should be able to take an elite delayed blast fireball to the face without caring.
- Not necessarily true.
Only casters played by inadequately skilled players make reflex saves regularly. If you actually get hit, oh darn, recast Protection.
Maybe you should stop standing around so much.
What's your point? All sorcs should have the correct damage dealing spell for every situation. You don't need to be a wizard to have a well-built spell list.
I already explained this earlier.
And you've wasted 12 AP on something that a sorcerer gets FOR FREE. In other words, you've gimped some other facet of your wiz to get something all sorcerers already have. The only advantage to having quicken is that you can't be interrupted by damage, but hey, you shouldn't have been getting hit that hard in the first place. Even if the sorc does get hit, he just casts again and doesn't worry about it.
You don't think a sorc can do the same thing, but faster? Please....
Won't disagree here, but then again I'd never multiclass a character whose sole purpose is spell casting.
You're missing some important factors:
How much does the faster casting affect CC? Significantly.
How much does faster casting affect instant kills? Significantly.
How much are your item slots worth? A lot more than you appear to be letting on.
indeed, for your playing style, Sorc is much better and I don't disagree with it. From what I have read from the Sorc forum, you don't focus on (or completely ignore?) spell penetration and run as a pure nuker. When you don't use most of the spells, the wiz's adv doesn't apply to you, and you will have enough spell slots for nuking.
Many other sorc/wiz use different spells for nuking, instant kill and CC, however. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2
a good wizard will have higher DCs then a sorc, sure a sorc will be able to nuke for more damage but if i wanted to smash buttons until i was out of SP I'd roll a paly (and do more damage).
* dizzy - fizzle - rofluppagus * - loot - cannith
I like Wizards. I really do. And they do have some advantages, such as higher spell DCs, and more feats.
However the thing to keep in mind is that this is a narrow game. Narrow characters win narrow games because narrow games do not appreciate broadness, as a result the sorcerer really isn't missing that many good spells. And the advantage of sorcerers only grows as more and more of the obscure, but useful in the right situation spells are nerfed.
Obviously this changes with the metagame, but as it is now the devs seem to be having a love/hate relationship with sorcs. Why love/hate? Well, have you seen the endgame content?
Wizards are missing out on the former though. Don't get me wrong, plenty of good wizards out there (hell, I've ran with Ghoste before, I'd be lying if I said I didn't) just that the metagame is currently biased against them.