Hey there!..
I have this simples question: Actually, this build rules?.. Or with lvl 20, this is useless?.
Hey there!..
I have this simples question: Actually, this build rules?.. Or with lvl 20, this is useless?.
What's the point of the sorc splash? I don't think it will net you much in the way of extra spell points. Is it just so you can use sorc wands/scrolls?
I'm pretty new so maybe I'm missing something but I don't get it.
I have a level 19 cleric / 1 wizard. I went with wizard for the extra feat. I went with halfling, for the healing dragonmarks.
With out much more info on your build, I'm not sure that you will get much of a response.
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Your complaint has been lodged, duly noted, and swiftly rejected.
Sometimes you just have to laugh, because everything else is illegal.
i went one lvl of wiz on the only non human cleric I have to make up for the metamagic feat she lost not being human. Still can use all the wands too.dont forget that one lvl of sorc does not grant that many more spell points to make this a reason to go sorc imo
I agree. If you're going to maximize the benefit of this kind of splash, going 1 Wiz offers the extra feat in addition to access to the arcane wands/scrolls. The SP boost is probably not worth it with the Sorc splash and you don't get the extra feat.
The caveat: you have determined that the Cleric capstone is not right for you.
~ Slayer of the Unwashed, Vice Chair for Disinterest & Apathy of the Grand & Glorious Brotherhood
of the Soooo Not Politically Correct, and Nefarious Devourer of Frosted Goodness ~
♪♫…clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am…♫ ♪
Thx guys...
I was thinging make this build cuz the sp boost, but i saw this build is useless atm...
For your purposes, a favored soul might work better than a cleric. You'd lose some casting versatility compared to the cleric but would have a lot more spell points. (Just to be clear, though, you wouldn't want to splash sorcerer with that build either.)
Useless? **** I guess I just wasted the last 2 years of gaming. Seriously we used to do this when the level cap was far lower than it is now, and FvS wasnt in the game yet. It made sense then. Now that the cap is level 20 I certainly wouldnt do it again if I had the choice, but it is hardly a useless build. I am very competent at what I do, and I have fun doing it.
it made more sense then because spell points granted by gaining a new casting stat (20-30 SP for each +2 to int, wis, or cha) were MUCH larger than those granted for a single level (which was only 20 or 30 points for clerics and wizards).
when it was pointed out that casting a single high level spell was costing more than the SP gained for gaining a level, Turbine changed how classes gained spell points from a linear progression to a curve. Now, with higher class levels come more spell points (SP gained from casting stat remains unchanged).
according to the character planner (forgive me for not memorizing the values):
Going from cleric 1 to cleric 2 gives 24 base sp.
Going from cleric 11 to cleric 12 gives 59 base sp.
Going from cleric 19 to cleric 20 gives 99 base sp.
Taking sorc1 instead of cleric20 will give some extra sp (especially if you have high CHA) in addition to other abilities. It's not nearly as worthwhile as it used to be, but still a valid choice. Personally, i'd go pure cleric until you had level6 cleric spells, and then consider the multiclass again. Those are clerical game-changers. I'd probably go wizard for the feat if i were inclined to MC.
Last edited by Laith; 12-15-2009 at 12:32 PM.
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If you are starting your build now, I'm going to chime in with the "It's useless" crowd. Since the bonus from wizardry items was nerfed and you only get a negligible bonus, there is no substantive benefit from splashing sorc into a cleric build. Are the builds out there with sorc in them gimped? Not necessarily, but they no longer are leaps and bounds ahead on spell points over a well-built pure cleric build.
What do you get from splahsing sorc? A few extra sp, a nifty sorc icon next to your name and delays in getting your next level cleric spells.
~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~~Ascent~
Let them talkUseless... puff... Like all the devs here werent trying to make almost any convination of clasess not useless... Like almost all the levels of each classes didnt add something we want in SOME CASES... Like they can know all the possibles cases in an every month updated game.
Let them talk...