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I understand from a powergame/practical standpoint that just about every gamer that has figured out, that windstance is better than everythign else in the game simply becuase of the attack speed, and I say that since ppl spend 6 lvls (ranger) just to imitate an ability we as monks get for 10 ap, is and has been the most game altering ability since fw, apparently...
...there comes a time when you decide to not think in the zone of +5% weighted/gm wind is king (even tho it basically is in the easy button sense) and express your conagitve abilities and manage your toon to its most benifitial potential and not think along the tearms of 'kill it before it kills you'. And for this sense, I think that dr/8 or 12 is a pretty big thing, seeing how ppl sh!t a brick for the bards dr/5 song as it is.
Unfortunately, the popular crowd has coined the defining ranger ability of quicker attacks, now, the standard of efficency. Now, its not bad, but it limits playing anything else that the monk has to offer. For instance, and for some reason, I actually have better ac in gm ocean stance over wind stance. That being said, that no matter what my AC is sometimes, I still get hit. Furthuremore, I have fallen in love with stoneskin clikies, and along those lines, soon to be gm earth stance, since it imitates the latter. At the cost of what? haste? movespeed that I already have thats basically overkill? I'd rather save 8/12 HP an attack, then get to a place 2-3 seconds quicker, especially when I know that AC wont help me in the situation, and when survival is a must. as for haste? drink a pot. If you have enough resorces to only focuse on the need for fast and faster and faster and faster attacking and ignore everything else, then I'm certine you've been smart enough to fill your pockets with haste potions.
Now I know dead things dont hit back, but then I see a sence that its not about how much you can dish out, but how much you can take. if saving anywhere from 60-100 hp of damage from an assault to killing a mob 2-3 seconds faster benefits me more, Ill take it. This spawns from a detached feeling of 'need to get things done faster and faster' and actually slowing down to enjoy the game. If not, it gets ingrained that, and to many it already has, that this is one big grind fest.
This is all assuming that time isnt an issue to you. If so, stick to +5% weighted/g bane/windstance.
Or when you reach a point where your AC is so much that you only get hit on a 20, then I still like earthstance/water stance, since glancingblows wittle you down and start costing you minor resouce usege, and having a 40 WIS really helps in landing those stunning blows with imp cursespewing handwraps. And for that, OP, I commend you for not falling into the easy button trap that drives so many to boredom and feeling this game is a grind. Because unlike most I know and see, this OP has had fun along the way and not racing to the end, and for that...
+1 :P