Stryyf Brok
True Neutral Drow
Twice Reincarnated (32 Build Points)
Wizard 20
Ability Scores
STR - 8----> 16 (+2 Tome, +6 Item)
DEX - 10---> 12 (+2 Tome)
CON - 14---> 24 (+2 Tome, +6 Item, +2 Exceptional)
INT - 20----> 50 (+4 Tome, +6 Item, +1 +2 Exceptional, +5 Level-ups, +3 Enhancements, +2 Yugoloth Potion, +1 Litany of the Dead, +2 Wizard Capstone, +4 Lich form)
WIS - 8----> 16 (+2 Tome, +6 Item)
CHA - 16---> 26 (+3 Tome, +6 Item, +1 Exceptional)
Fortitude--6/7/4/3 = 20
Reflex-----6/18/4/3 = 31
Will--------12/3/4/3 = 22
Leveling Progression
1 - Toughness, Spell Focus: Necromancy
2 -
3 - Spell Penetration
4 -
5 - Maximize Spell
6 - Arcane Initiate
7 -
8 -
9 - Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
10 - Heighten Spell
11 -
12 - Mental Toughness
13 -
14 -
15 - Extend Spell, Insightful Reflexes
16 -
17 -
18 - Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
19 -
20 - Empower Spell
End-Game Target Gear
Head - Minos Legens
Eyes - Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Goggles of Concordant Opposition (Wiz 6, +1 Charisma skills / +15 Hit Points, +2 Strength Skills / +100 Spell Points, +3 Charisma Skills)
Neck - Epic Torq of Prince Raiyum (Greater False Life)
Trinket - Litany of the Dead / Head of Good Fortune
Cloak - Stormreaver's Napkin / Bard's Cloak
Robe - Shroud of the Abbot
Wrists - Bracers of the Glacier / Epic Bracers of the Demon's Consort (+6 Constitution)
Hands - Seven Fingered Gloves / Gloves of the Glacier
Ring 1 - Sanura's Band (+6 Intelligence, +1 Exceptional Intelligence, +2 Exceptional Intelligence)
Ring 2 - Band of Syberis (+6 Strength, +1 Exceptional Charisma, +2 Exceptional Constitution)
Belt - Eerie Belt
Feet - Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Weave Boots of Concordant Opposition (+10 Hit Points, +1 Strength Skills / +50 Spell Points, +2 Charisma Skills / +20 Hit Points, +3 Constitution Skills)
Main Hand - Superior Potency VI / Greater Potency VII / Upgraded Death's Touch
Off Hand - Skiver / Green Blade
Double Handed - Staff of the Petitioner
Important Skills
Concentration, Use Magic Device, Move Silently
Use Magic Device Score
11 Ranks
4 Greater Heroism
5 Seven Fingered Gloves
8 Charisma Bonus
3 Skill Focus: UMD
6 Exceptional Bonus
2 Luck Bonus
39 ----> Heal and Harm no-fail
Move Silently Score
11 Ranks
1 Dexterity Bonus
4 Greater Heroism
15 Enhancement Bonus
2 Luck Bonus
20 Wraith Form
53 <----situationally used, items not left on permanently
Hit Points
80 Wizard Levels
140 Constitution Bonus
20 Heroic Durability
22 Toughness
20 Minos Legens
30 Greater False Life
20 Toughness Enhancements
10 Draconic Vitality
40 Yugoloth Potions
20 Pale Master
402 Hit Points / 422 Raged
Necromancy Spell DC
10 Base + 9 Heightened Spells + 20 Int Mod + 2 Staff or Death's Touch + 2 Spell Foci + 2 Lich Form + 1 Arcane Initiate = 46
Here's the concept, which assumes that Pale Masters will heal from negative energy. The synergy of the Pale Master class and the Shroud of the Abbot will heal the Pale Master for every strike he takes from melee, essentially giving him a massive stackable DR which works even while stoneskin is on, and also in conjunction with the stackable DR offered by the temporary HP procs of the Demon Queen Bracers. Against creatures that deal lower damage, the character would essentially be healing as he continually gets hit.
When needed for healing, the necromancer switches to his UMD gear and heals the negative level gained from the DQ bracers, or Harm scrolls if he is very low on hit points.
This will be extremely gear-intensive, but at least I think I'll enjoy the grind. The gear layout could also be improved if Stormreaver, Titan and Abbot gear were made available for epic crafting. This would make room for +6 charisma or exceptional charisma on more essential items.