Hm. On a maxed Cha Sorc Human 6th Level. I hit say 100s with Niacs. (Almost worth the saves) 50s with scorch. and like 30-45 with Fireball.
What do you think i would hit with Frost Lance, btw all of these are un metamagic-ed.
Hm. On a maxed Cha Sorc Human 6th Level. I hit say 100s with Niacs. (Almost worth the saves) 50s with scorch. and like 30-45 with Fireball.
What do you think i would hit with Frost Lance, btw all of these are un metamagic-ed.
You should have maxed your niacs damage at 4th or 5th level (depending on gear) at around 60-70 pts damage on a hit. You might see 100 with a crit. I am not sure how you get more damage with less dice on your scorching ray over fireball. I would expect in the best case 30 - 40 with scorching (again 50 with the rare crit).
Your fireball damage looks low. If this is the actual case, I would suggest a superior combustion clicky to boost it and make sure you have maxed your enhancements.
Damage output on FL will depend on your gear, Spell DC, and enhancements. At 6th level you might expect to average as low as 15-25 to as high as 70ish (again a little more with crit).