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    Founder Varis's Avatar
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    Default New Player Nuking 101

    Nuking 101 : A guide to burning dungeons to the ground

    To start, let’s make sure this is your cup of tea.

    A nuker is a very aggressive caster, comfortable with all the aggro and at melee. You’re at the front of the party working with an intimi tank, getting all the agro yourself or committed to taking out the most dangerous enemy. Crowd control, charming and buffing are possible roles but not your forte, especially at elite you may have to soften them up with a level drain or enervate before finishing them off

    If you are more of a passive player that prefers to buff the party and keep the healing needs reasonable with crowd control, then a nuker is not for you… not that you can’t nuke but the build is not geared for it and the play style is very different.

    Here is a little guide to nuking

    A word on nuker builds:

    Race:Any race will make a good nuker although Drow, Humans and Warforged have a small edge if your gear and play style makes use of that. For sure it is not something to have sleepless nights over.

    Starting stats:
    4 things to worry about in that order… Charisma, dex, con and int.
    Charisma needs to be at max
    Dex and con need about the same (little bit more dex if you can)
    Int needs to be at 10 for any race except humans (humans only need 8)

    Example stats:
    Drow 8str, 16dex, 12con, 10int, 8 wis, 20 cha
    28point Human 8str, 14dex, 14con, 8 int, 8 wis, 18 cha
    32point Human 8str, 16dex, 14con, 8 int, 8 wis, 18 cha

    Spells: (Note, this is a nukers spell selection at 20th. empty slots are for whatever you prefer)

    1st level spells:
    1.expeditious Retreat 2.jump 3.shield/nightshield 4. empty (niacs, shocking grasp and burning hands are must have spells to 5th level to be swapped after that)

    2nd level spells:
    1.resist energy 2.scorching ray 3.web 4.knock (if you have very limited gear and money then the spell eagles splendor is a great choice until you can get a +4 charisma item)

    3rd level spells:
    1.Rage 2.haste 3.displacement 4. Fireball, once you get Delayed Blast Fireball swap Fireball for Acid Blast

    4th level spells:
    1.Firewall 2.Stoneskin 3.Fireshield 4.Dimension door

    5th level spells:
    1.Cone of Cold 2.Protection from Elements 3.Cloudkill 4. empty

    6th level spells:
    1.Disintegrate 2. Greater Heroism 3. Flesh to stone (greater heroism is often just scrolled so put whatever you want... I just take it because a scroll spell will get dispelled every time and that... annoys me)

    7th level spells:
    1. DBF!!! muahahaahah (delayed blast fireball) 2. Finger of Death 3. Waves of exhaustion

    8th level spells:
    1.Polar Ray 2. Ottos Irresistable Dance 3. empty

    9th level spells: drain 2. Wail of the Banshee 3. empty (popular is summon monster 9, meteorswarm and mass hold monster)

    Max concentration and max UMD (use magical device)

    Things like jump and balance are not important. Spells and items will get enough of a bonus so you won’t have to ever worry about them.

    Feats: what is not required, is recommended

    Empower (required)
    Maximise (required)
    Heighten (required)
    Spell focus: transmutation (great for disintegrate, flesh to stone and greater shout)
    Greater spell focus: transmutation
    Toughness (only once)
    Force of Personality

    if you don’t like the focus, you can exchange it for spell penetration, mental toughness or whatever fluff you like ;-)


    few things to focus on, the rest is up to you:

    Your primary damage line, be it Fire/Cold, Lighting/Acid or Force/Repair, needs to be completely maxed out.
    For Fire/Cold spec for example that means, Elemental Manipulation, Lineage of Deadly Elements and Lineage of Elements at the highest you can get.

    Then you worry about Sorcerers Charisma and energy of the dragonblooded.

    After that comes wandmastery UNLESS you are warforged

    I would recommend to finish it off with improved empower and maximize but it’s really up to you.

    Once you are comfortable with nuking I have another vid with tips on gathering mobs up for a nuke and some good uses of firewall.
    Last edited by Varis; 03-26-2010 at 08:49 AM.
    Roa - Fernian Nuker

  2. #2
    Community Member Sweyn's Avatar
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    Dex is pretty much useless on a sorc, don't put anything into it. Max out CHA, then CON, then dunp the rest into INT, thats all.
    Swez Sowan
    Sowen Sown Sowyn

  3. #3
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    Very nice video. You covered a lot of material. In addition to this form of video it would be very useful to have a video covering a specific spell or strat in a lot of detail.

    People should keep in mind there are a number of ways to play the game. I have mapped "select next combat target" to my space bar key (been like this since 2006). This will by default select the closest target. It is easy for me to page thru targets until I get the one I desire.

    Some people use auto target. There are some benefits to auto targeting (which I hated initially). If a target dies while you are casting a spell, it will unload on another target. This will save you some points over time. If you wish to target the ground or other area with AOE you just aim at ground while in soft target mode or just press target self then aim at ground. You may want to map this to space key. I learned these things by forcing myself to use auto target before I discarded it. This method also makes it easy for you to cast a web on ground and the firewall in the air over your head.

    Again great video, showing how you play a sorcerer.
    Last edited by tinyelvis; 09-27-2009 at 06:37 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sweyn View Post
    Dex is pretty much useless on a sorc, don't put anything into it. Max out CHA, then CON, then dunp the rest into INT, thats all.
    I agree with this comment if you are a new player or new to sorcerers (as I guess this poster is). If you are a vet of course, this is nonsense.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Varis View Post
    Nuking 101 : A guide to burning dungeons to the ground
    nice. thanks Varis for actually do something useful rather than BSing. +1 rep.

    could you explain why burning hand is not good? I have to admit I don't have too much experience in these low level spells. It seems to me fire/ice spells have more synergy. if you choose MM as the 2nd spell, I could understand.

    i use auto-target so that when a mob i shoot at disappear, the spell have a chance fire to another mob, unless in certain quests and scenarios such as in Dust when there are more than one caster. The keyboard hotkey "G" (i think it's default, at least for classic keyboard layout) turn it on/off.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sweyn View Post
    Dex is pretty much useless on a sorc, don't put anything into it. Max out CHA, then CON, then dunp the rest into INT, thats all.
    I suppose everyone agree CHA and CON are the first 2 stats.

    agree with the above comment that Dex is not useful for a sorc. Say, in compare to Dex 8 or 10, putting a 14 Dex stats gives you 10 to 15% chance of reflex save and save against trip or web. does it matter? I would like to know Varis' rationale and his end-game Dex and reflex save.
    imho, STR or INT are better choice of the third stats. For Int, it depends on how many skills you want to max out. If you got an Int of 12, you got 3 skill points to spend. Concentration and UMD are mandatory, so you have an extra skill point to spend per level. for skill points, you could check the following reference page:

    i suppose it's easier for a nuker to run out of mana and need to get into melee. The Str will help a bit. And for sure the Str-skills and extra buff against enfeeblement. btw, Str is a pretty useless stats for Sorc, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varis View Post
    Things like jump and balance are not important. Spells and items will get enough of a bonus so you won’t have to ever worry about them.
    I won't choose jump and balance as the third skill, too. but i think getting 10 in jump is useful. saving a gear slot means something. balance is nice but you won't have enough skill point. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
    My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2

  6. #6
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    I call shenanigans. Where is the information on the best way to nuke new players????
    Star Firefall
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    I call shenanigans. Where is the information on the best way to nuke new players????
    pretty sure /death is still the best way
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  8. #8
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    you mean /death count?

    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Grease is an extremely valuable party buff.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Asketes View Post
    you mean /death count?

    Nope you tell the sorc to target the mob and type /death to kill it. When they die tell them that one had spell reflection and not to use on that type mob and watch them try again on another type.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  10. #10
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sweyn View Post
    Dex is pretty much useless on a sorc, don't put anything into it. Max out CHA, then CON, then dunp the rest into INT, thats all.
    Absolutely agree. I'll add too that if you're putting stat points in dex as a pure sorc, you're a noob.
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  11. #11
    Founder Varis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by transtemporal View Post
    Absolutely agree. I'll add too that if you're putting stat points in dex as a pure sorc, you're a noob.
    Back in the day, max cha and max con was the way to go. resist 30 would cover you just fine vs spells and lots of hit point would take care of the rest.

    Now though, it's just simply worth having 40 less hp and instead making the saving throw vs DBF and the like.
    Not like it will do anything vs traps... but traps are far easier to avoid/predict then enemy casters.

    So yes.... top end mages are well served with a high dex, it will help vs takedown, it will help vs heavy hitting spells and for those that love to invest a ton of time in it... it will help to get a decent armor class

    so you have a reference... my reflex save on Roa at 20th
    6 base
    8 dex (16base+3tome+1enhanc+6item)
    5 resistance ring
    4 greater heroism
    1 haste (is always on anyways, might as well count it)

    you can get it far higher though for drow
    6 base
    10 dex ( 16base+3 tome+2enchancement+3exceptional+6item)
    5 resist item
    4 GH
    2 Head of good fortune
    1 haste
    28 reflex (or more if you have a cleric/paladin with you)

    I can tell you though that with the current content on normal, 24 is plenty.
    Last edited by Varis; 09-28-2009 at 05:48 AM.
    Roa - Fernian Nuker

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Varis View Post
    Back in the day, max cha and max con was the way to go. resist 30 would cover you just fine vs spells and lots of hit point would take care of the rest.

    Now though, it's just simply worth having 40 less hp and instead making the saving throw vs DBF and the like.
    Not like it will do anything vs traps... but traps are far easier to avoid/predict then enemy casters.

    So yes.... top end mages are well served with a high dex, it will help vs takedown, it will help vs heavy hitting spells and for those that love to invest a ton of time in it... it will help to get a decent armor class
    Post mod 9 in SOS you fail DBF saves often in 6 man with refelx in the 30s. Somehow I don't see your sorc having more reflex than that. Also 1s hapeen. Do you really want to die on every 1? AC for your pure sorc? Unless you can get it to about 50 or more forget it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  13. #13
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Your video is decent. You covered most of the basics which will help new players and thats great..

    But watching it just makes me feel like you shouldn't be the one doing it..

    I mean sorry but your not very good at nuking.

    The reason is pretty simple: Your a clicker.

    To be very effective at it, you must use mouselook mode. It allows you to target spells SO much quicker and more effectively, especually while kiting or circle strafing, you can always keep your target in view for manual aim, with no ristrictions on turn speed... Trying to align your view and manually target while using strafe keys and cliicking yoru hotbar just looks extremely innaccurate and clumsy to me.. You simply can't effectovely target nearly as fast or accurate as someone playing in mouselook mode.

    Mouselook mode is THE way to play a nuker. Learn it.

  14. #14
    Community Member Kalundan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    The reason is pretty simple: Your a clicker.

    Mouselook mode is THE way to play a nuker. Learn it.
    This is the only way to nuke. I can't click on any of my charaters it's much to painful.

    Quote Originally Posted by tinyelvis View Post
    I agree with this comment if you are a new player or new to sorcerers (as I guess this poster is). If you are a vet of course, this is nonsense.
    Because a 24 reflex save is serious business? I'd put those stat points into intel for skills before I'd waste it in Dex for a save I'm going to fail anyway. Hell I'd rather put them in STR and use a DP clicky and melee instead of put them into dex. This isn't to say if you completely change things around you can make reflex a useful save for you. However in the conventional sense, reflex save is something we can't improve sigificantly enough to matter, without heavy cost.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varis View Post
    Back in the day, max cha and max con was the way to go. resist 30 would cover you just fine vs spells and lots of hit point would take care of the rest.

    Now though, it's just simply worth having 40 less hp and instead making the saving throw vs DBF and the like.
    Not like it will do anything vs traps... but traps are far easier to avoid/predict then enemy casters.

    So yes.... top end mages are well served with a high dex, it will help vs takedown, it will help vs heavy hitting spells and for those that love to invest a ton of time in it... it will help to get a decent armor class
    If you think your getting AC out of having a super high dex, trust me it's not worth it. Build an AC toon; don't weaken a build if you think three more AC is going to be the difference in a 76 AC world, with your 30 AC. Fire Shield/Greaves if you wanna eat a DFB, leave dex to the monk splashes and rangers.

    I will say I'm a big fan of the intimisorc with DR. Those builds I find effective, and easier to accomplish on a WF toon, but I'd never think an AC Sorc was a good thing. To much to sacrifice if your pure. If your an arcane battle mage; perhaps, but otherwise it's a pipe dream not worth dreaming.
    Last edited by Kalundan; 09-28-2009 at 05:38 AM.

  15. #15
    Founder Varis's Avatar
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    he he, yes, everybody is a critic but I have not seen you geniuses put out a single video guide since the release of the game. I'm a noob at this.. but even with ghetto stuff like windows movie maker I could put something together over the weekend.

    as for the ever present scorn on "clickers" that's fine. I don't bind my 50 some quick slots and with clicking it works quite well to use any quickslot mid combat. I'm very comfortable with that playstyle but to each their own.
    After all, I doubt anyone cares if the mage in your group is a clicker or a mouse locker.

    as for the reflex haters, perhaps it's time to do more then just "spout BS" as someone said earlier =)

    I'm on Ghallanda, toon is Roa
    let's head on to the firepart on sos and mix it up with some elementals. See who lasts longer. We can also try monestary or play with some casters in amrath. Lets see some actual numbers and less armchair expertiese. Lets get one of the uber con mages to show once and for all how much better that build is
    Roa - Fernian Nuker

  16. #16
    Community Member Just_Aaron's Avatar
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    Nice guide. Thanks for the video!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varis View Post
    Back in the day, max cha and max con was the way to go. resist 30 would cover you just fine vs spells and lots of hit point would take care of the rest.

    Now though, it's just simply worth having 40 less hp and instead making the saving throw vs DBF and the like.
    Not like it will do anything vs traps... but traps are far easier to avoid/predict then enemy casters.

    So yes.... top end mages are well served with a high dex, it will help vs takedown, it will help vs heavy hitting spells and for those that love to invest a ton of time in it... it will help to get a decent armor class

    so you have a reference... my reflex save on Roa at 20th
    6 base
    8 dex (16base+3tome+1enhanc+6item)
    5 resistance ring
    4 greater heroism
    1 haste (is always on anyways, might as well count it)

    you can get it far higher though for drow
    6 base
    10 dex ( 16base+3 tome+2enchancement+3exceptional+6item)
    5 resist item
    4 GH
    2 Head of good fortune
    1 haste
    28 reflex (or more if you have a cleric/paladin with you)

    I can tell you though that with the current content on normal, 24 is plenty.
    I'm not sure where you're getting 2 reflex from enhancements for Drow (they don't get reflex save enhancements, they do get dex enhancements but it only accounts for 1 to the save). Drow get saves vs. Enchantments, i.e. exclusively will saves vs. spells from the enchantment school.

    Also if you're wasting GS slots on reflex....ouch. You'd be better off spending those ingredients on elemental absorption (or hit points, or spell points, or immunities) than reflex saves.

    This debate will never end, but the vast, vast majority of players agree that hit points are more desirable than reflexes. This is especially true when a caster can quite easily lower damage dramatically as follows, assuming 500 points of damage from a fireball:
    -250 (50% cold shield)
    -120 (protection from elements)
    -30 (Fire resistance)
    100 points - 33% (Firestorm Greaves) = a measly 77 points of damage against ~400 hit points.

    Not very many (if any) monsters deal 500 points of damage with a fireball.

    While some may wish to say the hit point route is for newer casters and that vets should go with a dex caster, these people are merely attempting to pad their egos and justify their build decisions in their own mind.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Also if you're wasting GS slots on reflex....ouch. You'd be better off spending those ingredients on elemental absorption

    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    This debate will never end, but the vast, vast majority of players agree that hit points are more desirable than reflexes. This is especially true when a caster can quite easily lower damage dramatically as follows, assuming 500 points of damage from a fireball:
    -250 (50% cold shield)
    -120 (protection from elements)
    -30 (Fire resistance)
    100 points - 33% (Firestorm Greaves) = a measly 77 points of damage against ~400 hit points.

    Not very many (if any) monsters deal 500 points of damage with a fireball.

    While some may wish to say the hit point route is for newer casters and that vets should go with a dex caster, these people are merely attempting to pad their egos and justify their build decisions in their own mind.
    i think they are arguing Dex/Reflex Save vs (Int/Skills or Str). the vast majority of us (if not all) agree Con is the 2nd most important.

    the above calculation shows casters need no reflex save. with a 3-min cold shield, it reduces fire damage by half that in most situation, there is no big deal to get hit. You'll have time to re-cast protection and self-heal before the 2nd DFB come, not to say it may be possible to avoid the DFB by jumping, positioning, or aggro manage (e.g. slow down ur polar ray when getting crit)

    Varis' video is about nuking skills but not character build. i don't see there are critics on his nuking skills. our discussion is actually irrelevant to the topic. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
    My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddoer View Post
    Varis' video is about nuking skills but not character build. i don't see there are critics on his nuking skills. our discussion is actually irrelevant to the topic.
    On this topic then, I have to agree with Shade. Using mouse-look and hotkeys to cast is superior to clicking.

  20. #20
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    On this topic then, I have to agree with Shade. Using mouse-look and hotkeys to cast is superior to clicking.
    Absolutely. Nothing can ever compete with Instant casting, with you paying attention to the situation instead of hunting for an icon.

    In fact, once your Blaster is set up with the buttons, you will find yourself using them as hotkeys for every build you have. I do.

    Note the hotkeys.

    Also note this sorc has had the same spells since Module 3, more or less. She needs a complete rework. I'm busy with my melees, bard and healing FvS right now though.

    Keys mapped to bar 3: ` r t f g h b (Note ` is the ~ key without Shift)
    Keys mapped to bar 4: Left shift, Left Alt
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 09-28-2009 at 04:17 PM. Reason: Wrong image uploaded at first

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