Hi all! I'm not sure if it would be better to be asking this here or in the character builds forum, but since it involves monk-ey business, I figured I'd try here first.
Either way, I'm thinking of going with either a 12ftr/6rgr/2monk or 18rgr/1mnk/ftr build. (Haven't decided which yet. I figure I'll get to 6rgr/1ftr/1mnk first and see how I've been playing before I make my final decision on how to branch off. I'm way too indecisive for my own good. ) but as I look at the pseudo-exploiter build I'm, naturally, finding myself rather feat starved. Plus, I really don't like ignoring class features I have available, even if they're not necessarilly the MOST effective thing possible. It's just kind of a hangup I have. Plus, I'm tired of seeing everybody and their mother running around with khopeshes.
Anyway, my question is how much DPS would I lose by sticking with kamas instead of going the khopesh route like most people with a build like this would do?
Don't get me wrong, I understand that it would definitely be a DPS loss; the kama's lousy base damage aside, the loss of BOTH the crit range and the crit multiplier is significant. But I don't think it would be all bad, either. I would still get the haste boost from wind stance, I'd be able to do my ki strikes, and with the new BAB/attack speed thing, flurry of blows would be able to offset the 1% or so attack speed I'd lose from the monk level. After all, I figure the point of a tempest build is to get as many attacks off as fast as possible, right? Plus, it would free up more feats for me to play around with. (Improved trip, stunning blow, etc.)
I know that slightly faster attacks and an occasional ki strike aren't enough to completely make up for the loss of the khopesh's juicy crits, but do they bridge the gap enough to make it at least competitive, or would I be just completely, totally gimped?
Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide!