I spent 30 minutes on a lowbie in korthos tonight. I was SHOCKED at the amount of VALID questions that were being answered by people that had no clue what they were talking about.

If I could please implore all of you Old School D+D players that just started playing this game, dont answer quetions based on how P+P works, because not everything here follows rules set forth in P+P.

For anyone else answering a question, before you start trying to be the first to answer a question, finish reading it. When someone asks if they will be able to get sneak attacks as a pure ranger and you say yes because "everyone has the ability to sneak" (actual answer tonight) you are making someone think you know what you are talking about when you have NO IDEA.

I strongly feel that FTP will bolster this game and help it grow, but for the love of ham, please help it grow the right way, with people learning the right things.