Greetings DDOers,
Recently I have written two articles on my blog about DDO which at the behest of my guildies I am posting here for everyone to see in the hopes that the greater community may find them to be useful. The two articles are as follows.
The True Price of DDO Unlimited Free to Play - This article provides in depth analysis of the Free to Play Premium accounts, price structure, exchange rates of USD to Turbine Points, and gives real USD price conversions for Adventure Packs, Leveling Sigils, Account Options, and gives you a realistic idea just how much real world cash getting the features you need and/or want will cost you in the Free to Play pricing scheme.
Beware! Charts ahead!
Let Free-dom Ring: Getting the most out of DDO Free to Play - This article lists all of the Free to Play quests by level and the favor they grant and explains how Turbine Point rewards are given out based on the favor milestones your reach. It talks about how many free Turbine Points are available to the Free Player and Premium accounts, what you'll have to do get those points, and what you'll need to spend those points on given the holes in the free quest lineup.
I hope everyone finds these two articles helpful. If you like what you see here please consider telling your friends about or even subscribing with such services as Google reader or RSS.
